Getting together with the family during the holiday season can be filled with laughter and some awkward moments as you adjust to being around family members you haven’t seen all year.

However, a great way to fill the uncomfortable silence is by impressing them with your knowledge of random facts about holiday movies that will undoubtedly be on the air. Consider sharing these holiday movie trivia facts with your family this holiday season:

The “Mean Girls” Dance To “Jingle Bell Rock”

While The Plastics’ provocative dance to the“Jingle Bell Rock” song is one of the most popular scenes from the 2004 hit movie “Mean Girls,” it was originally a lot raunchier than the scandalous thigh slap.

The film was supposed to be R-rated so the scene was a lot “racier” compared to what ended up being featured in the movie's final cut.

“They were going to turn and stick their posteriors up in the air,” Director Mark Waters told Entertainment Weekly. “And then they showed it to me, and I was like, ‘Whoa, that’s too much! Go with something else.’”

Waters also revealed that they lucked out getting their permission to use "Jingle Bell Rock" in the film. “You’d be surprised how hard it is to license Christmas songs,” he explained.

“I don’t even know how many things we tried before we got the rights to ‘Jingle Bell Rock.’ We were just happy to have anybody say yes.”

“Bridget Jones’s Diary” Ugly Christmas Sweater

Although the ugly Christmas sweater scene resulted in Colin Firth being credited with the surge in popularity of the gaudy holiday attire, the actor was never a fan of his moose turtleneck, Entertainment Weekly reports.

“The set was lit at about 140 degrees Fahrenheit; it melted candles and desiccated the turkey curry,” Firth said.

“I almost tore the jumper to pieces pulling it off between takes — I probably lost about 15 pounds. I had little love for it by the end.”

“Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas” Has A CIA Connection

During an appearance on the "Graham Norton Show," the star of the film, Jim Carrey, revealed that he worked with a CIA specialist who trained agents to survive torture in order to endure the extensive makeup process to transform into the Grinch.

Carrey said he felt like he was “being buried alive” each time he went through the process. During his first day on set, the actor spent eight hours in the makeup chair and considered dropping out of the film because of the uncomfortable process.

However, after working with the CIA specialist and reminding himself the movie was “for the kids,” he convinced himself to make the film.

“Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town”

The holiday classic is based on the song by the same name which was sung by Eddie Cantor on his radio show in November 1934.

The song was so popular that it was frequently requested and eventually made into a movie. “Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town” premiered on television on Dec. 14, 1970.

The holiday song also touches on Santa’s expectations from children who are hoping to receive presents on Christmas day.

“He’s making a list

And checking it twice;

Gonna find out

Who’s naughty and nice

Santa Claus is coming to town

He sees you when you’re sleeping

He knows when you’re awake

He knows if you’ve been bad or good

So be good for goodness sake!”

“A Christmas Story” Museum

Unlike most films, which are typically shot on sets, “A Christmas Story” was filmed in an actual home. Following the popularity of the 1983 movie, the house across the street from where the film was shot was turned into a museum.

The museum features rare behind-the-scenes photos, Randy’s (Ian Petrella) snowsuit, the Parker family car, toys from the Higbee’s window, and much more.

For fans who can’t make it to the museum in Cleveland, Ohio, memorabilia from the film is also available for purchase at the online gift shop. But be careful; they might be "fra-gi-le."

Christmas Decoration
Tis the season to deck the halls Pixabay