Ann Coulter Calls Obama A ‘Retard’

Ann Coulter, the political pundit known for her frequently polemical remarks, called President Barack Obama “a retard” Monday night after his performance in the final debate.
“I highly approve of Romney's decision to be kind and gentle to the retard,” Coulter tweeted, referring to Romney’s behavior toward Obama during the foreign policy debate in Florida.
A CNN insta-poll conducted immediately after the debate found that 48 per cent of polled viewers believed that Obama had won the debate, compared to only 40 per cent in favor of Romney. Many pundits also noted that the ex-Massachusetts governor spent a lot of time agreeing with Obama’s positions.
In an effort “not to sound like George W. Bush," Romney inevitably ended up "sounding a lot like Barack Obama," said Fox News analyst Stephen Hayes. But despite the favorable marks for Obama, Coulter, a longtime outspoken conservative, was unimpressed with the president’s performance.
Coulter’s words had a predictably -- and no doubt intended -- polarizing effect. As of Tuesday afternoon her message had been retweeted by more than 3,000 followers, and "favorited" by more than 1,200. But the backlash against her comments was equally immediate, and laced with indignations and profanities.
“You're a despicable American,” wrote JoAnn Smith, who retweeted Coulter’s comments. “Show some respect for fellow humans who happen to have developmental disabilities while you're at it, a—wipe,” wrote user @genifer_genifer.
@PoppawSteve agreed, calling for an apology from Coulter, “Even sadder than your gross tweet are the 2000 lemmings that retweeted or favorited it. @AnnCoulter You should apologize.”
But the rarely apologetic Coulter made no indication of remorse. She kept up her attack against the president, retweeting disparaging comments against him by Herman Cain and Fox News personality Mark Simone.
Then in another tweet on Tuesday, Coulter wrote, “Obama: ‘Stage 3 Romneysia’ - because cancer references are HILARIOUS. If he's ‘the smartest guy in the room’ it must be one retarded room.”
Coulter has long drawn attention for outrageous statements, including that the United States would be better off if women didn’t vote.
“If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president. It's kind of a pipe dream, it's a personal fantasy of mine, but I don't think it's going to happen,” Coulter said in a 2007 interview with the New York Observer. “And it is a good way of making the point that women are voting so stupidly, at least single women.”
Coulter has also made her dislike of Obama well-known, once referring to his 1995 memoir “Dreams from My Father,” as a “Dimestore ‘Mein Kampf.’”
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