Anonymous Leaks More Steubenville 'Rape Crew' Details, Claims Victim Was Drugged During Kidnapping

Days after releasing a 12-minute video showing former Steubenville High School student and baseball player Michael Nodianos joking about the alleged rape of a teenage girl at the hands of two current high school football players, KnightSec hackers, a cell of the Anonymous collective, have leaked even more information about the night that has put the small Ohio town of Steubenville on edge and made it the center of a national controversy.
The alleged attack took place last August, when a 16-year-old girl, identified only as Jane Doe, reported to the Steubenville police that she had been raped and kidnapped by two star football players, Trent Mays and Ma’lik Richmond, both 16 at the time. The girl said she had been held against her will and taken from party to party, and while she had little recollection of the night’s events, social media was buzzing with pictures of the girl being held by her wrists and ankles by football players and clearly incapacitated.
Students who were present at the parties said Richmond and Mays had penetrated the girl with their fingers while she struggled to remain conscious in the backseat of a car. Others on hand said she had been urinated on. Mays and Richmond were arrested before eventually being released and are currently awaiting trial.
Members of the Steubenville community have avoided the press since a New York Times report last month quoted the team's football coaches, who said the girl had only herself to blame and made up the allegations to cover for her own behavior. Protestors from across the nation have since descended upon the town and have been holding “Occupy Steubenville” demonstrations.
On Friday afternoon KnightSec hackers used the same Local Leaks page they used to publish the Nodianos video to publish more information from students who said they were present on the night of the alleged rape. The new allegations -- which were not confirmed by any news outlets or police sources -- claim the 16-year-old girl was drugged and raped not only by Mays and Richmond butby at least two other teens as well.
Jane Doe was lured into the night of partying because she had, at one time, dated a member of Mays’ and Richmond’s clique, since dubbed “The Rape Crew.” What follows is the transcript of the Local Leaks update, none of which has been corroborated by any evidence or through statements from officials. All names -- aside from Mays and Richmond, who have been connected with the case since the beginning -- have been redacted.
“After being convinced, with some amount of coaxing -- to attend the parties that night with the "Rape Crew" by [X]'s girlfriend [X], Jane Doe was picked up at a volley ball team party she was attending in the early evening of August 11th and transported in a vehicle with Richmond, Mays and [X] in it. Jane Doe was administered a "date rape" drug snuck into her drink almost immediately, possibly while still in the vehicle en route to the nights "festivities". In any case, she has no memories after being picked up. The first party of the night was at the home of Assistant Coach [X], where [X], [X], [X], and [X] were already engaged in heavy drinking and drug use. At this location Jane Doe was raped multiple times by Richmond and Mays and at least two other assailants from the "Rape Crew". At that point the "party" went on the move. They first stopped at another Assistant Coach's home, [X]. [X] didn't like what he saw, and asked them to leave. Once again, they hit the road with an unconscious Jane Doe in tow. While en route to [X]'s house, Jane was again raped and sodomized in the back seat of a vehicle – and this was video recorded by [X] who was in the front seat. Her attackers in the car were again Mays and Richmond. Once they arrived at [X]s house Jane Doe was carried to the basement where she was again raped multiple times by multiple attackers, one of which was [X]. Finally, having sated themselves and exhausted any further entertainment that Jane Doe could provide for these animals, she was unceremoniously dumped (still unconscious) onto the front lawn of the [X] residence – where at least one member of the "Rape Crew" proceeded to urinate on her.”
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