Arrested Development: 5 Characters We Can't Wait to Watch Again

On Sunday, Arrested Development stars Jason Bateman and Will Arnett announced on Twitter that the show would return for a new season and begin filming a movie.
The filming isn't expected to begin until 2012 -- so it will be awhile before the show returns to the small screen -- but it was still welcomed with open arms by Arrested Development's most ardent fans. The show has an abundance of hilarious characters, but IBTimes decided to take a look at a few of our favorite secondary characters that we can't wait to see again.
1) Franklin Delano Bluth
How can you not love Gob's racist black puppet, Franklin? Franklin first appeared in the season two episode, Meat the Veals, in which Gob uses the puppet to knock out Buster and Lucille Bluthe. Gob hilariously uses Franklin to blurt racial epithets, make friends with hilarious characters, and record the hilarious duet of It Ain't Easy Being White or Brown.
Classic Franklin quote:
Gob: It ain't easy being white
Franklin: It ain't easy being brown
Gob: All this pressure to be right
Franklin: I got children all over town.
2) Mrs. Featherbottom
Tobias' hilarious alter ego, Mrs. Featherbottom, enjoys dressing up as a British maid -- similar to Robin Williams as Mrs. Doubtfire -- and imparts wisdom onto his children. The alter ego, meant to impress his wife that he can make it as an actor, doesn't actually confuse anyone, but yet everyone plays along to his charade.
Classic Mrs. Featherbottom quote:
Mrs. Featherbottom: O-kay, who'd like a banger in the mouth?
Mrs. Featherbottom: Right, I forgot, here in the States, you call it a sausage in the mouth.
Michael: We just call it a sausage.
3) Ann Veal
Ann Veal is George Michael's disliked girlfriend throughout much of the series. Michael, George Michael's father, often rips on Ann for being bland including calling her Egg and saying But that's enough about her - I don't want to be an Ann Hog.
Veal came from an extremely religious family -- her father is a pastor -- though it did lead to some hijinks when her mother hooked up with George Michael's father.
Classic Ann Veal quote: It sounds like your father just gave us permission to start doing it. You must teach me, George Michael. You must teach me the ways of the secular flesh.
4) Lucille Two
Lucille Two, played by Liza Minnelli, is Buster's on-again, off-again girlfriend throughout the series. Lucille Two and Buster's mother, Lucille Bluth, often compete for Buster's attention in hilarious manners. Lucille Two later buys the Bluth company and is romanced by Gob, in order to be named President of the company. She later spurns Gob and Buster for Stan Sitwell, but not before a few laughs along the way.
Classic Lucille Two quote:
Lucille Two: What you did to me at lunch today... You were ashamed to be with me.
G.O.B.: No! I was ashamed to be seen with you. I like being with you.
5) J. Walter Weatherman
Last but not least is one-armed J. Walter Weatherman, a frequent source of George Bluth's lessons to his children. In order to impart some sort of lesson to his children, George would have Weatherman lose his arm in some fabulous way and tie it back into the children failing to do something. One classic example is Weatherman losing his arm because someone forgot to leave a note that the family was out of milk.
Classic Weatherman Quote:
George Sr.: We're out of milk. I could have got it earlier if someone would have left a note.
[suddenly he runs down J. Walter Weatherman and his fake arm comes off]
George Sr.: [poorly acting] Why? If someone had left a note, this innocent man would still have his arm. Why?
[the kids scream as Weatherman comes up to them]
J. Walter Weatherman: And that's why you always leave a note.
Peter Tartaglione contributed to this compilation.
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