EXCLUSIVE: Harold Camping to Speak Monday on Failed Prediction
Harold Camping, the Oakland, California-based broadcaster who made a failed prediction about a cataclysmic doomsday said on Sunday he would make a statement on or by Monday night in a public forum to explain himself.
An IBTimes reporter met him at his home in Alameda, Calif., and said he would explain in the forum tomorrow.
When asked about his silence since the prediction, Camping said he needed more time seeing that his major prediction had failed, and wanted to think and recover, calling the event a big deal.
Camping, 89, has not been heard from since Saturday.
In 1994, Camping also predicted that doomsday would come, although he admitted at the time there was a miscalculation.
The failed prediction has been met with bewilderment by followers as well.
I don't' understand why nothing is happening. It's not a mistake. I did what I had to do. I did what the Bible said, said Robert Fitzpatrick of New York, who waited expectantly at Times Square in New York City on Saturday for the event.
He was surrounded by revelers and mockers. Fitzpatrick reportedly spent $140,000 of his own money to buy ads proclaiming the event.
On Sunday, the Oakland,California-based Family Radio network of stations which aired Camping's predictions, was airing pre-recorded music.
Mainstream Christian theologians and Pastors had dismissed Camping's predictions saying such an event could not be predicted, according to the Bible.
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