Casey Anthony: a porn star? [Pictures]

It had been reported that nearly 24 hours after Casey Anthony, 25, was acquitted of murder, the former mother was offered a job in a porn film from Vivid Entertainment, the production company that launched Jenna Jameson to porn stardom.
This news came as a surprise for those who were outraged by the shocking jury decision.
Whether you agree with the verdict or not, Casey will want to move forward with her life and has a right to make a living, Vivid co-founder Steve Hirsch told TMZ. It's not going to be easy for her and we believe we can help her make the transition into a new life.
We've all seen the pictures of her partying and having a good time with friends where she definitely looks hot, said Hirsch to TMZ. Hirsch later reported the offer was no longer on the table stating, We were ready to make an offer to Casey to star in one of our feature films.
It's clear to me now, however, that there has been an overwhelmingly negative response to our offer and so we've decided to withdraw it.
The trial, which lasted longer than a month, and which found Anthony not guilty of the manslaughter and child abuse of her daughter Caylee has created much controversy. The trial has spawned numerous proposed laws named after Caylee. According to Fox News, Senator Nancy Jacobs said she received nearly two dozen emails from constituents in the days following the verdict
Fox News reports that Jacobs is proposing a bill that would make it a felony for a parent, legal guardian or caretaker not to notify law enforcement of the death of a child within a short period of time after the death is discovered.
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The verdict
Despite being found innocent for most charges, Anthony will spend six more days in jail for lying to investigators about the death of her 2-year-old daughter. This short time-out has created an uproar of people who believe Anthony is responsible for the murder of her daughter.
Anger has spread like a virus on the internet with even some notable celebrities speaking out on Twitter, sharing their shock over the verdict.
The busty Kim Kardashian tweeted: WHAT!!!!???!!!! CASEY ANTHONY FOUND NOT GUILTY!!!! I am speechless!!! But the irony was too much for many of the social media's users, who pointed out that it was Kardashian's father who was involved with the O.J. Simpson trial.
Despite a large portion of the public who believed Simpson was guilty, the former football player was found not guilty for the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman.
One user responded to Kardashian's tweet, saying: ME TOO!! ITS LIKE WHEN YOUR DAD HELPED GET O.J. OFF [of the dual murder]!!
If Anthony continues with her good behavior, she will be a free woman on Wednesday. In total, she will have spent 1,003 days in jail.
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