A bee collects nectar from wild flowers
A bee collects nectar from wild flowers Reuters

A swarm of angry bees have descended upon a California community, wreaking havoc in its path. A family dog has been killed by the bees in the Wildomar neighborhood in Riverside County, according to reports in the local Press-Enterprise newspaper.

Kim Bammes, who owned the chocolate Labrador mix canine, told reporters that the dog was stung so many times the veterinarian lost count.

The bees reportedly came from a hive in a neighbor’s private property which means that local government officials are helpless to do anything to intercede.

[The bees have] already taken down a dog, Bammes warned. Next it's going to be a person.

The bees have also constructed a nest in Bammes’ property. When it was destroyed by exterminators, eight-thousand bees were uncovered.

Wildomar is about 75 miles southeast of Los Angeles.

The presence of so many bees has unnerved local residents to the point where they have arranged their schedules so as to avoid getting stung.

Frank Oviedo, Wildomar’s City Manager, said that the city would act only if the bees were determined to be a threat to public safety.

If the problem persists and gets worse, then we may have to take some action, Oviedo said.

However, according to Bammes, city officials told her that they didn’t have the money in their budget to kill the bees (cost estimated at $300).

Wildomar has faced a financial crisis since it was formed in 2008.

We have budget issues, but when it comes to public safety we're not going to ignore the issue, he said.