Maybe It’s Time for Stacy Keibler to Be Quiet Before George Clooney Freaks Out and Dumps Her

Stacy Keibler must be pretty confident about her relationship with George Clooney: The former professional wrestler has not been shy about her wish to pin the silver fox down -- which has gotten Clooney arm candy into trouble in the past.
Clooney famously gave Elisabetta Canalis her walking papers not long after the model gave a revealing interview to an Italian gossip rag, insisting that marriage was in her future. (Clooney has been married once but has said he has no plans to do that again).
"I am very happy at the moment - thanks to my man and my fairytale is continuing," Canalis reportedly said in what we hope was a botched translation published in Us Weekly. "We are a couple that never gets bored.
"Whenever I see my picture in a magazine I know what is being written. They all say that I spend my time organizing parties and that my boyfriend does not want to marry me and be with me anymore," Canalis continued. "My boyfriend has not given an interview on his private life since 1999 - everything that you read is just a rehash of stuff that has been written in the past.
"I am a firm believer in marriage, in the future I will be married, but for the time being I am happy as I am," she said. "I don't need anything to confirm how happy I am."
The interview was published in early June 2011 (Us Weekly's account was published on June 8), and on June 22 Clooney and Canalis released a joint statement announcing they had parted ways. Given the timing of the breakup -- which reportedly blindsided Canalis -- there was little doubt that her loose-lipped interview had something to do with it.
Keibler, who unlike Canalis, was already semi-well known stateside B.C., has thrown all caution to the wind and seems willing to tweet or talk about Clooney to anyone who will listen. Keibler also seems to be just a bit too excited to be on George's arm during their multiple public outings (and private outings that are captured by paparazzi.)
She's certainly in her comfort zone navigating the U.S. media, but it's not unreasonable to think Clooney might be getting a little uncomfortable with the idea of his girlfriend rubbing her love life in everyone's faces.
On Nov. 20, Keibler oh-so-casually dropped a twitter bomb announcing that she and Clooney were in love -- or more specifically, that Clooney was in love with her.
"You kno its love when your boyfriend has elbow surgery 2 days ago and takes u to a #ravens game[sic]...especially when he's a Bengals fan," Kiebler posted on her Twitter feed, which has almost 175,000 followers.
It was not the first time she had tweeted very thinly veiled references about her relationship, but it is the first time she used the 'L' word.
In a Rolling Stone interview published earlier in November, Clooney casually brushed off a question about Keibler's sunny oversharing.
"She can do whatever she wants," George reportedly told Rolling Stone. "I rarely tell anybody what they should be doing with their life."
But Keibler seems intent on making sure her and Clooney's lives overlap -- both publicly and privately.
This week, the leggy blonde blabbed to E! about the happy couple's holiday plans, and was more than happy to use the we word.
"We're going to be having a lot of friends and family going together this year, so it will be fun," Keibler told E!, adding that Clooney had already met her parents.
The E! reporter dug up a 2008 interview with Kiebler where she jokes about being engaged to George Clooney. Keibler looked a bit freaked out when they played her the clip -- but perhaps not as freaked as her boyfriend would be!
Still, who knows? Maybe this is just what Clooney needs: A cute, smart, strong woman to wrestle a commitment out of him.
I guess we will just have to wait and see how it plays out. In the meantime, let us know what you think: Is Keibler in danger of tweeting herself out of a boyfriend, or should she be free to share her love for Clooney with the world?
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