Ron Paul 2012: Why Independent Voters Prefer 'Ron Paul Revolution'

The Ron Paul campaign 2012 is gaining momentum every single day. Even the media and political experts who had initially neglected Ron Paul are now warming up to the Ron Paul Revolution.
Paul has demonstrated a steady increase in his ratings so far in the Republican presidential contest. His campaign has made considerable inroads into conservative and independent voter base. This has bolstered his chances nationally, and he is now being considered as a candidate who can take on President Obama in the 2012 elections, according to various polls.
The Paul revolution's success lies in its campaign strategy, which is the best among the Republican contenders. His supporters are devoted to him and once they are in his fold, remain faithful to him forever. This is evident if we analyze his poll trends. So far he has not depicted any negative trend in poll ratings, which simply means that he is not losing any of his supporters.
Paul has gained among the independent voters. His campaign has attracted followers, not just among the Republicans but also from Democrats. Independent voters rally behind him because they find his views refreshingly different from those of other candidates.
Independent voters are known to make their decisions based on the virtues and policies of a candidate. The majority of the undecided voters critically evaluate the available candidates and do a basic research before zeroing in on their choice.
This factor will benefit Paul more than any other rival candidate. All other frontrunners like Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum are known for their flip flops and extreme and contradicting stands. Moreover their stand on economy, foreign policies and other crucial current affairs is very similar.
Paul, who does care about personal values and has an impeccable personal record, stands out as a fitting choice for an independent voter. His deeds as well as his philosophy represent the normal American citizen; he is a person with whom they can identify easily once they are aware of what is Ron Paul 2012.
The consistency in his views on issues over years makes him trustworthy as a presidential candidate. His stance on foreign policy, legalizing medical marijuana, less governance and non-intervention policy are drastically different from that of others. He is anti-establishment and so far has a clean record as a non-corrupt politician - a rare phenomenon in current political scenario.
He dares to speak up his mind and say what he believes in. For instance, he was the only candidate who criticized the controversial NDAA law openly. Other candidates failed to make it an election issue or worse didn't dare to even comment on it. So for independent voters who are fed up with existing policies and politicians, he is the only one in the fray promising a change.
All this makes Ron Paul 2012 a preferred choice for independent voters over other candidates. The recent poll by CBS clearly indicates this trend. According to the poll, 47 percent of the independent voters will choose Paul to fight Obama, while 45 percent said they will go for Romney. In a Paul-Obama duel, 45 percent said they will vote for Paul while only 40 percent of independent voters said they will choose Obama.
This indeed is good news for the Texas congressman, who has demonstrated remarkable organizational and management skills in campaigning.
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