30,000 Year Old Fruit Grown From Frozen Siberian Seeds [PHOTOS]
Russian Scientists have successfully grown fruit from 30,000 year old frozen Siberian seeds found buried along the banks of the Kolyma river, a study published in a new issue of The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America reported. It's not the first time ancient seeds have been germinated after lying dormant for hundreds of years, but the previous record was for only a couple thousand years. That record was from date palm seeds found in Israel. Russian scientists have now successfully grown the previously frozen fruit into a flower from a species that most closely resembles the modern narrow-leafed campion (Silene stenophylla).
On occasion, when a frozen fossil or seed is turned up, there are wild claims made about growing dinosaur DNA or growing wheat from a mummy's tomb. But, the research team has a radio carbon date to prove it, though further study will need to be done to confirm the age of the seeds given. Thousands of the seeds were found buried about 125 feet below the surface in what was once a squirrel den. Scientists tried to grow the seeds and failed, so they took cells from the seeds' placenta and thawed them out. They were then grown in cultures in the lab. Start the slideshow to see an ancient plant living in the modern world.
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