Presidential Sugar Daddy: Obama Beats 'Vanilla' Romney Among Seeking Arrangement Sugar Babies

If the presidential race were determined by who women think will make a better sugar daddy, President Barack Obama would trounce Mitt Romney, according to a survey from the hookup site that found women want Obama to be their sugar daddy by a 3-to-1 margin over the former Massachusetts governor.
Despite Romney's good looks, his starchy 'vanilla' image may be the reason why he lost to Obama, at least where factors such as sexiness, personality, approachability and likeability matters, Founder and CEO Brandon Wade said in a statement. According to our survey, most women say they chose Obama because he is more trustworthy, charismatic and sexy. Obama is funny and is known to be a good dancer. Unfortunately, Romney is still viewed by many as the 'vanilla' candidate.
Seeking Arrangement for older, wealthier men - known in the culture as sugar daddies - with younger, attractive women. The arrangements also work the other way around, with older, affluent women finding younger, handsome men on the site.
Of the 30,000 female sugar babies on Seeking Arrangement surveyed over the past week, 34.1 percent say they prefer having Obama as their sugar daddy, with Romney taking 11.9 percent of the vote.
A little more than 11 percent said they were happy to have either Obama or Romney as their sugar daddy, while 42.9 percent said neither Romney nor Obama met their standards for an acceptable sugar daddy.
Even though Romney is worth 20 times more than Obama, Barack Obama was by far the preferred
Sugar Daddy. Obama beat Romney by a knockout of 3 to 1, Wade said. While many unfairly stereotype Sugar Babies as gold-diggers who would gladly accept any wealthy man as their Sugar Daddy, our survey shows the contrary. Sugar Babies are extremely picky about the men they date - 43% of them surveyed want neither Obama nor Romney as their Sugar Daddy.
In the 17 states with the highest number of electoral votes, more women preferred Obama as their sugar daddy over Romney.
The former Massachusetts governor did best in his home state, with 20.2 percent of Seeking Arrangement sugar babies choosing him over Obama. Still, the president bested Romney in the Bay State by 10 percentage points.
Seeking Arrangement said the survey defies the stereotypical sugar baby as seeking an older man solely for his money.
While many unfairly stereotype Sugar Babies as gold-diggers who would gladly accept any wealthy man as their Sugar Daddy, our survey shows the contrary, Wade said. Sugar Babies are extremely picky about the men they date - 43% of them surveyed want neither Obama nor Romney as their Sugar Daddy.
The website's survey goes against Seeking Arrangement's own wishes after the site made a tongue-in-cheek endorsement of Romney back in January.
The site said it was backing the former Massachusetts governor after he gave Ruth Williams, a 55-year-old unemployed volunteer, all the money in his pocket when he met Williams during a campaign rally.
When it comes to politics, small actions speak louder than big words, Wade said at the time of the endorsement. Mitt Romney has shown all other politicians that being a good Sugar Daddy is about helping others.
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