Barry And Honey Sherman Update: Billionaires Murdered By Multiple Killers, Investigators Say

When billionaire Toronto couple Barry and Honey Sherman were found dead on Dec. 15, with their bodies seated in an upright position on the floor of their basement, the case was ruled as a murder-suicide. However, the family's investigators now believe that it was a double homicide by multiple killers.
According to an anonymous source, private investigators discovered evidence that showed both Sherman and Honey’s necks were wrapped with leather belts, which were then knotted around a handrail situated adjacent to the pool. Toronto Police Department spokesman Mark Pugash told the Toronto Star that their deaths were deemed "suspicious."
Previously, a coroner stated both of them died due to strangulation or “ligature neck compression,” the report said.
However, evidence found on the wrists of the victims displayed they were bound together at some point. But instruments such as ropes were not discovered around the scene of the incident, the source stated.
The bodies of the victims were limp with their arms unbound when they were found by the police authorities, the source said.
The source stated private investigators believe Barry, 75, and Honey, 70, were killed two days before the bodies were discovered. The investigators came to this hypothesis because Honey was wearing the same clothes she was last seen in, on Dec. 13, stated the source.

The source added the investigators also believed Honey battled with the killer or killers, because she had cuts on the lips and nose and was found lying in a pool of her own blood.
But, as there was little blood on the clothing on her upper body, it was believed she was face-down, bleeding, on the tile before she was bound to the handrail in an upright position, the source said.
The Sherman family appointed a team of former Toronto homicide detectives to conduct a separate and independent investigation into the case.
Barry Sherman was the founder and chairman of pharmaceutical company Apotex. He was born Feb. 2, 1942, to a Jewish family in Toronto. Sherman lost his father at a very early age. He was one of the youngest students to gain entry into University of Toronto’s science program.
He was also a recipient of a PhD in astrophysics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. According to a report by Forbes, in 1974, Sherman used his mother’s life savings and bought a drug company which was run by his uncle, the company that eventually went on to become Apotex. He started the company with two employees. The company later expanded and went on to employ 10,000 people.
Sherman stepped down as the CEO of Apotex in 2014 but continued in the position of the chairman. At the time of his death, Sherman was the 12th richest person in Canada with a net worth of $3.2 billion.
Sherman married Honey, who was also a graduate of the University of Toronto, in 1971. She was born in 1948 in Austria to a family of Polish Holocaust survivors.
The Toronto Star noted the "massive philanthropic contributions" made by the couple. Honey, two weeks before her death, was honored in the Canadian Senate for her generousness towards the country’s Jewish community.
In December, after the bodies of the couple were discovered, investigators thought Sherman had murdered his wife, and then killed himself, as stated by a police source.
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