Easter arrives a little earlier than usual this year, and for some, that means it's almost time to make their 2016 holiday dinner. For those looking to create a traditional Easter meal Sunday, we’ve got the perfect, supereasy recipe for a baked honey-glazed ham. The following is a combination of Trisha Yearwood’s Food Network magazine guide, Betty Crocker.com’s ham tips and my own findings.

To make this recipe, you will need: one large roasting pan, tin foil, a meat thermometer, a saucepan, a baster (optional) and roughly four hours of your time.


  • A 10-pound bone-in ham
  • 1/2 cup of honey
  • 1.5 cups of light brown sugar
  • 3 tablespoons of butter (optional)


1. Start by preheating your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. (Make sure there is enough room for your roasting rack to fit before the oven gets too hot.)

2. While the oven is heating, remove the ham's packaging and rinse it under cold water. Place the ham in the roasting pan and cover it with tin foil. (Note: If you don’t plan to baste your ham, add a layer of foil to the bottom of the pan for easy cleanup.) When your oven is preheated accordingly, put the roast in the oven and allow it to cook for one hour and 40 minutes.

3. Meanwhile, it's time to make the best part of honey-glazed ham: the sauce! Turn your stovetop to a medium-high heat and combine the brown sugar and honey (and butter, if you decide to include it) in a saucepan. Stir frequently and remove from the heat once the ingredients form a smooth mixture.

4. When the one hour and 40 minutes is up, remove the ham from the oven, take off the foil and pour the sauce on top of the meat. Betty Crocker’s guide advises cutting a crisscross pattern on top of the ham so it will better absorb the liquid. Then place the ham back in the oven for an additional one and a half hours of cook time. (Note: If you want to baste your ham, now is when you should start.)

When Is My Ham Done?

The USDA's guideline states that once ham has reached an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s done cooking. Though the U.S. Department of Agriculture's guide says ham should rest for three minutes before carving, we suggest allowing your meat to stand for an additional 10 minutes outside of the oven. Carving ham too soon after cooking will cause its juices to be released and result in a less flavorful meal.

If you're interested in learning how to bake the perfect Easter cookies for dessert, click here for several kid-friendly recipes.