Evan Rachel Wood Slams 'Sick' Paparazzi, Tabloid For Ultrasound Photo

Updated: 4:15 pm., Wednesday: The Daily Mail appears to have taken down the story with the ultrasound photos.
It seems there is no such thing as being too young for the paparazzi glare: The latest victim of the stalkerazzi is Evan Rachel Wood’s unborn child.
The “True Blood” actress is furious to learn of a paparazzi stakeout outside the Los Angeles hospital where she had an ultrasound, presumably on Wednesday morning. It appears as though Wood was initially unaware of the photographer’s presence, as the images captured show her smiling and relaxed, carrying the ultrasound photo in her hand -- within the crosshairs of the paparazzo’s zoom lens.
Wood took to Twitter Wednesday afternoon to express her outrage.
“Which sick f*ck paparazzi hid in the parking lot of my hospital after my ultrasound. I cant stand this.”
“I have never been more violated by a photographer. Thats the inside of my body and my child. Would u like my soul too? nothing is sacred."
The photos have so far appeared in the British tabloid the Daily Mail and are credited to the Pacific Coast News, one of the more ubiquitous and aggressive celebrity photography agencies. While a caption on one of the photos claims the actress was “strolling down the street,” Wood disputes this detail in her Twitter missive:
“FYI was not walking down the st parading my ultrasound photo. That was the roof of a hospital parking garage where you should be safe.”
She later tweeted an appeal directly to the Daily Mail:
“I would like to ask @mailonline to please remove the photos because they are private medical records, and its an invasion.” (Update: It worked.)
In recent years, some celebrity parents -- Brangelina and Jessica Simpson come to mind -- have tried to get in front of the inevitable post-partum paparazzi hounding by making an agreement with one celebrity rag or another to publish the first official “photos” -- often for a hefty sum. As far as we know, however, this is the first time a celebrity spawn has been snapped in vitro.
Arguably, Wood’s rant is likely calling much more attention to the ultrasound photo than it otherwise would have gotten. (We are not regular readers of the Daily Mail and were alerted to the incident via her Twitter feed.) Further, it’s not as though the fetus is distinguishable from any other ultrasound photo we might see. Still, it’s understandable that Wood would feel particularly outraged and offended that private, medical information was made public in such a trashy way. If stalking the ob-gyn wards of Los Angeles hospitals is the latest strategy of an increasingly brazen tabloid media, let’s hope the scolding Wood delivered stops it in its tracks.
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