Final 2016 Election Voting Predictions: 'Psychic' Monkey, Shark And Dogs Choose Trump Over Clinton

At this point, nobody knows who's going to win the United States presidential election on Tuesday. Except, maybe, the animal kingdom.
Geda, a monkey at Shiyan Lake Ecological Park in Changsha County, China, predicted Thursday that Republican Donald Trump will end up in the White House, Agence France-Presse reported. Geda chose a bunch of bananas next to a picture of the billionaire over a bunch near an image of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
Then the monkey, who has been called "the king of prophets," went a little further with his forecast — he kissed Trump's photo, according to AFP.
China’s ‘monkey king’ picks Trump as next US president
— AFP News Agency (@AFP) November 4, 2016
Geda isn't the first allegedly psychic animal curious humans have consulted to try to figure out the future. Paul the Octopus, the ocean dweller who died in 2010 after correctly predicting the results of a series of European soccer games, kick-started an international trend years ago in which people consult their pets or other zoo creatures on important sporting and political events, the GlobalPost reported. The 2016 U.S. election is no exception.
Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for example, has set up a competition between two sharks to predict the next president. They've tagged a Clinton shark and a Trump shark and are tracking the miles each travels. The shark who goes the farthest by noon on Friday will be the winner, according to a news release from the university.
As of press time, the Clinton shark had swum 510 miles to the Trump shark's 652.
Earlier this year, staffers headed to a local dog park to consult canines on the election. They placed one treat on the lap of two chew toys resembling the candidates and let dogs cast their votes. In a close race, Trump won:
YouTube user Gallade0475 used her red-eared slider turtles to call the election, as well. She flipped one male turtle, signifying Trump, and one female turtle, signifying Clinton, onto their backs and waited to see which one would right itself first. After about four minutes, the Trump turtle got back onto its feet. Gallade0475 hashtagged her video #TheTurtleWarnedYou.
The Republican was also the winner of a candidate-inspired pig race at the Scott Pumpkin Patch in Arkansas last month.
A small pig wearing a Trump wig ran faster to the finish line than a pig wearing a Clinton wig:
But if you're a Democrat, don't fret: Not all animals are favoring Trump.
Two parrots belonging to YouTube user The Studio Factory chose to peck at a piece of paper with Clinton's name on it. This kitten also appeared to declare #ImWithHer when it sat on a picture of the former secretary of state instead of lying on a Trump photo:
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