‘Game Of Thrones’ Film Cersei’s ‘Walk Of Shame’ For Season 5; Lena Headey’s Nude Scenes Require Extra Security

Fans of the “Game of Thrones” novels by George R.R. Martin have known a shocking scene involving Lena Headey's Cersei Lannister is due to come in Season 5 of the HBO series. Details have finally emerged about the filming of the scandalous episode, and it sounds like the scene will be even more intense than the books.
The scene in question comes from the novel “A Dance of Dragons” and involves a “walk of shame” for Cersei after trying to frame Margaery Tyrell for adultery. After being arrested, Cersei has her head shaved and is forced to make a penance walk -- in the nude -- from the Great Sept to the Red Keep.
Even after the show announced it would include the scene in the upcoming fifth season, there were still doubts the scene would happen. Dubrovnik, the city used for filming much of King’s Landing in the show (where the scene takes place), does not allow public nudity and refused to issue a filming permit to the show. After moving to another part of the city, the scene was allowed.
TMZ reported “Game of Thrones” went through a lot of trouble to keep any photos or unsavory details about the scene from leaking during filming. Two-hundred security guards were brought in to guard the closed set. The show also paid local shop and business owners to close and stay home for the four-day shoot. Cell phones were banned on set and all on-set crew members signed confidentiality agreements. The added measures reportedly resulted in one of the more expensive shoots the show has had in its five seasons.
The added security seems to have done its job as no pictures from the filming have surfaced at this point. Fans will have to wait for “Game of Thrones” Season 5 to get a glimpse of Cersei and the talked-about scene. “Game of Thrones” Season 5 is set to premiere in April 2015.
What do you think of the added security used in “walk of shame” scene? Tweet your thoughts to @Ja9GarofaloTV.
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