Google Play
 Android-based devices that are subject to growing number of malware attacks are now getting an Android malware scanner thanks to Google Play.

Android-based devices that are subject to growing number of malware attacks are now getting an Android malware scanner thanks to Google Play.

Apparently, Google Play Store's recent APK release identified as version 3.9.16 has a client-side malware protection tool called App Check that scans apps a user has downloaded and alerts if one of them appears to be a malware, Android Police blog has noted.

This apart, the App Check is also equipped to scan new apps being installed and curtail the installation process if the app appears to be suspicious. Users will be granted the freedom to ignore the actions of the App Check, The Droid Guy has reported.

The App Check is expected to work in conjunction with Bouncer, Google's server-side malware guard. Bouncer is likely to scan apps downloaded through Play Store. But the Bouncer and App Check do not guarantee protection against malware threats from third-party app collection.

Kaspersky Labs, the team behind popular antivirus software stated that malware threats in second quarter this year has gone up 300 percent with 49 percent identified to be Trojans.

The malware attacks are only bound to increase and they pose serious threat to personal and confidential data on mobile devices including credit card and bank account information, Kaspersky Labs has stated.

App Check is linked to the Google’s recent acquisition of VirusTotal, a free service that analyzes malicious files on computers. In a company statement, Google announced that it will be giving VirusTotal the necessary infrastructure to expand the free service.

In celebration of Play store recording 25 billion app downloads, Google held a massive discount sale. Top rated games and apps were made available at just 25 Cents, while special collections like 25 movies, 25 banned books, 25 top albums, and the store's 25 top selling magazines, were sold at special prices, Tech2 has reported.