Mikey Welsh Weezer
The Green Album, with Welsh on the left. Jules Minus

Mikey Welsh, the former bassist for Weezer, predicted in a tweet that he would die while in Chicago this past weekend, which is exactly what happened.

Welsh was found dead on Saturday in his Chicago hotel room. He had been in the Windy City to attend a performance by his former bandmates, with whom he was still friendly.

Chicago police spokeswoman Laura Kubiak told MSNBC that concerned staff at Raffaello Hotel went to check on Welsh when he missed the 1 p.m. checkout time on Saturday. When staff entered the room, they found Welsh unconscious and not breathing.

It is unclear how long he had been dead when he was found, but police do not suspect foul play, although drugs are being looked at as a possible factor, according to the Chicago Tribune.

On Sept. 26, Welsh tweeted: dreamt i died in chicago next weekend (heart attack in my sleep). need to write my will today.

He later wrote: correction - the weekend after next.

Welsh had planned to attend Weezer's Sunday performance at Riot Fest in Chicago, and commented on his Facebook page that he was excited to see the boys, hang out, and have some fun.

The Burlington, Vt.,native was the bassist for Weezer from 1998-2001, during a time when the band was extremely popular. While with Weezer, Welsh performed on the hit songs Island in the Sun and Hash Pipe from the self-titled LP that came to be known as The Green Album due to the background color of the cover image.

Welsh left Weezer after suffering a nervous breakdown (which he publicly acknowledged) and returned to Burlington to focus on painting. He was considered a very successful painter by those who knew his work.

The Boston Globe described Welsh's art as manic, edgy, and masculine...Welsh handles his brush confidently, and his paintings read as if he sliced open a metaphorical vein and poured blood and soul onto the canvas.

At the time of his death, Welsh had photos of recently completed paintings on his Facebook page and Twitter account.

Weezer webmaster Karl Koch posted an announcement of Welsh's death on Weezer's official Web site.

It saddens me and the guys in Weezer so much to say that our beautiful, creative, hilarious and sweet friend Mikey Welsh has passed away at the very young age of 40, he wrote. A unique talent, a deeply loving friend and father, and a great artist is gone, but we will never forget him. His chapter in the weezer story ('98 - '01) was vital, essential, wild, and amazing.

We will miss him terribly. Our deepest heartfelt condolences go out to his family and friends. The world has lost a truly one of a kind guy.