Newtown Conspiracy Professor Thinks Anderson Cooper Is Out To Harm Him

James Tracy, the professor who has gained national attention due to his Newtown, Conn., shooting conspiracy theory, has another interesting theory in the wake of his recent national media attention. According to Tracy, CNN’s Anderson Cooper could possibly be out to harm him and his family.
Tracy, a professor at Florida Atlantic University, posted several articles detailing his Newtown conspiracy theory and further explained them on several radio programs. Tracy believes that the media constructed the timeline of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting tragedy in conjunction with a larger political agenda to further gun control legislation.
On, Tracy has several articles dedicated to the Sandy Hook conspiracy theory. In his last post on the subject, “Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline,” Tracy outlines the media’s reporting on Sandy Hook, from several months before the incident up until the day of the tragedy, which occurred on Dec. 14, 2011. He also discussed the fallout from the tragedy, including the political discussion on gun control and gun violence.
Tracy’s conspiracy theory soon gained national attention, and he has been on several radio programs to discuss his theory. Basically, there were numerous contradictory or conflicting reports from the day of the Sandy Hook shooting that lead Tracy to believe that President’s Barack Obama's administration helped construct an official media narrative of the Sandy Hook shooting. Tracy points to eyewitness accounts of more than one shooter as well as the deferral of the coroner to police officials as two examples that led to the official scrubbing of the events of Sandy Hook.
Tracy has since updated his Sandy Hook timeline to include a screenshot of The Newtown Bee’s article that featured an interview with Sandy Hook principal Dawn Hochsprung. Tracy notes that Hochsprung, according to media reports, was the first person killed at Sandy Hook by Adam Lanza. Tracy says The Newtown Bee later retracted the story but did not clarify who John Voket, editor of The Newtown Bee and author of the article, spoke with for the report.
Tracy’s Newtown most recent conspiracy theory regard CNN and Anderson Cooper.
Tracy posted a statement he sent to CNN explaining why he had to turn down an appearance on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360.” In the statement, Tracy outlines his Newtown timeline and describes the media attention following his Newtown conspiracy theory, saying that “a significant portion of the public has chosen to base its judgment of my queries on narrow preconceptions of what they believe intellectual or academic inquiry should consist of and be directed toward. Such individuals have also been quick to judge me personally based on how I have been framed by such media instead of affording my arguments related to the tragedy a less prejudicial hearing.”
Tracy continues, “I maintain that many questions I raise about the Sandy Hook tragedy remain unanswered and that the American public has been underserved by the press in this important regard. I apologize for any additional anguish and grief my remarks -- and how they have been taken out of context and misrepresented -- may have caused the families who’ve lost loved ones on December 14.” After this post, Tracy adds yet another interesting detail to his Newtown conspiracy theory.
In the blog post, “Does Anderson Cooper Want James Tracy and/or His Family Members Harmed?” Tracy believes that Cooper wants to harm him for his Newtown theory. Tracy posted a section of the transcript from Cooper’s Jan. 11 episode.
In the transcript, Cooper says “Now, there are always conspiracy theorists lurking on line who comes up with some horrifically outrageous claims. And normally, we would not dig any phi (sic) these claims with air time. These claims are obviously sickening to many in Newtown who spent the past four weeks crying and console bearing friends and family members trying to figure out how to restart their lives.”
Tracy highlights the portion of Cooper’s transcript that identifies him by name and introduces a photo of the professor. In the segment, Cooper reiterates that the professor behind the Newtown conspiracy theory is James Tracy and the photo on screen is of the professor. Tracy believes this would constitute Cooper wanting the public to fully identify Tracy with the conspiracy theory as well as the outrage surrounding such a theory.
The full transcript of “Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees” episode can be read here. It looks like Tracy has even more to say about the Sandy Hook shooting and will continue to update
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