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The Snap Map shows you your friends in the area and places of interest. Snapchat

Snapchat released a new update on Wednesday that allows users to connect like never before. The update introduces a Snap Map feature, not one that gives your directions on how to get around, but one that allows users to select a location and browse stories from the area. It also allows users to share their location with friends in the app if they choose, however, for safety reasons by default this function is turned off.

The new Snap Map also allows users to zoom out and look at the stories going on around them, an expansion of the feature that allows users to search a location or city’s story. The update to stories that came before this was the addition of “custom stories” that allow users to create stories with friends and all add to them at once, or make stories for select locations.

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How to use Snap Map:

The first thing to do if you want to use the new Snap Map is update your app. The update description should include short description of the new Map. Once you open the app there will be a series of screens directing you on how to use the new Map and change your settings.

snap map update
The Snap Map comes in the new Snapchat update. Snapchat

If you pinch the screen as if you’re zooming out, the map will appear. You’ll notice heat indicators, red indicates an areas where a mass amount of snaps are being taken and added to “Our Story,” cooler colors like blue and green also indicate snaps, but fewer. These areas of interest may also be indicated with a small circular thumbnail image. Stories added to “Our Story” in these areas will be sorted by advanced machine learning aimed at only allowing snaps that are interesting and safe for the community to make it onto the story, said Snapchat.

The Snap Map also allows users to see where their friends are, indicated by “Actionmojis.” These actionmojis will change what they’re doing based on things like the speed users are traveling, their location and time of day. It only updates when the app is open and if users don’t open the app for a few hours, their actionmoji will disappear from the screen. Users can simply tap a friend’s actionmoji to snap or chat them via the app.

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But users can of course change who can see their location in the app. Users can choose to share location with all their friends on the app, none of their friends on the app or only select friends on the app. When users share with no friends, they’ll be in “Ghost mode.” To change the privacy on your location, simply pinch the screen to open the map and select the gear icon in the upper right corner. Toggle “Ghost Mode” to the “On” position to hide your location from friends. If you toggle “Off” a screen will pop up and prompt you to either select certain friends or allow all friends to see your location. You can turn this on or off whenever you want.

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The new Snap Map allows you to control who sees your location. Snapchat

The new additions keep Snapchat competitive with Instagram’s constant updates to its “stories” platform. Just Tuesday Snap Inc. Snapchat’s parent company saw a drop in its stock price after Instagram announced it had 250 million daily “stories” users. The two companies are constantly competing by updating their apps to keep users and gain new ones.