Kailyn Lowry
"Teen Mom 2" star Kailyn Lowry hinted the MTV reality show might come to an end in her book, "Hustle & Heart." MTV/Viacom

“Teen Mom 2” star Kailyn Lowry might live her life in front of the cameras, but there are some things fans don’t know about the MTV reality star. For one, Lowry is a survivor or sexual assault. She detailed a brutal rape in her new book, “Hustle & Heart,” which is due on bookstands Nov. 22.

“A guy who'd been asking me out for a while showed up at my apartment plastered,” Lowry wrote, not identifying when the rape took place. “He said he needed to talk to me. I let him in. He grabbed me, dragged me into the bedroom and forced me down.”

Lowry’s attacker, who she called Caleb, was “too strong” and “too rough” for her to fight off. “I bled. I screamed,” she wrote. “And when he left me, my body torn and my sheets stained with blood, I felt like I was dead.”

Lowry, 24, went to the hospital, but she didn’t identify her attacker to physicians. “The doctors stitched me up,” she explained. “The pain was unbearable. It was obvious what had happened to me. And yet I wouldn't agree to a rape kit. I was shaken and afraid and overwhelmed by chaotic ideas of what would happen if I accused Caleb of rape. I couldn't stand to think about the consequences.”

Like many survivors, Lowry blamed herself. Now, she wishes she had named Caleb.

“If only I had stood up for myself, raised my voice and backed up my beliefs,” she said. “If only I'd been living proof of the fact that no victim should live in shame. Then I could have turned what happened into a source of strength. I could be looking back now and feeling proud of myself.”

“Hustle & Heart” is filled with bombshells from the “Teen Mom 2” star. She even hinted that she didn’t want to go on with the reality show, but was convinced to stay with it after talking to a friend.

“When I complained to [a friend] about filming for Teen Mom and said that I wanted to be known for other things outside of that, he just told me to ride the wave until I get to where I want to be,” Lowry said. “I want to show everyone that even though I grew up like white trash and got knocked up at seventeen, I can get a Bachelor’s degree and raise children who blow people away with their manners, wit and intelligence.”

Season 8 of “Teen Mom 2” is currently filming.

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