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Corporate Wellness

5 Best Corporate Wellness Software 2023

Stress and pressure in today's workplace are significant challenges that many employees face. Several factors contribute to stress levels in modern workplaces, from high workloads to improper work-life balance, job insecurity, technological demands, and interpersonal dynamics, to mention a few.
Samuel Altman, CEO of OpenAI, is sworn in during a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on artificial intelligence

Why The FTC Is Investigating OpenAI

Regulation is coming to the free-for-all world of artificial intelligence, as the Federal Trade Commission is taking a keen interest in ChatGPT parent company OpenAI.
Facebook is giving users more control over their feed.

Facebook Alters Fact-checking Controls For US Users

Meta-owned Facebook has handed US users the controls over fact-checked content, in a potentially significant move that the platform says will give them more power over its algorithm but some analysts insist could benefit purveyors of misinformation.


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