The Shuttle Orbiter Enterprise is removed from Marshall Space Flight Center's Dynamic Test Stand following its first Mated Vertical Ground Vibration test (MVGVT) in Huntsville, Alabama in this NASA handout photo dated July 26, 1978. The tests marked the first time ever that the entire shuttle complement (including Orbiter, external tank, and solid rocket boosters) were mated vertically.
The Shuttle Orbiter Enterprise is removed from Marshall Space Flight Center's Dynamic Test Stand following its first Mated Vertical Ground Vibration test (MVGVT) in Huntsville, Alabama in this NASA handout photo dated July 26, 1978. The tests marked the first time ever that the entire shuttle complement (including Orbiter, external tank, and solid rocket boosters) were mated vertically.ReutersThe Shuttle orbiter Enterprise arrives at the Marshal Space Flight Center for the Mated Vertical Ground Vibration Test (MVGVT) series in Huntsville, Alabama in this NASA handout photo dated March 1, 1978. The MVGVT test series, the critical evaluation of the entire Shuttle component, began at the MSFC Dynamic Test Stand in 1978. Booster configuration tests, involving the orbiter Enterprise and the External Tank (ET), began in May and were completed in July. This photograph shows the orbiter Enterprise passing the MSFC Building 4200 complex on its way to the test area.REUTERS