2 Dogs Sprint Toward Woman Crossing Road, 'Grab Her' In Vicious Attack Caught On Camera

A woman was recovering after she was viciously mauled by two dogs outside her home in Plymouth, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday morning.
Marge Scott was bandaged up after she was attacked by the canines. She has two puncture marks on her knee as well as bite marks on her calf and thigh. CCTV footage of the incident showed the woman coming outside her home to wait for her sister to pick her up. When she crosses the street, she notices two dogs sprinting toward her.
“You can see her just walking across the street and that’s when the dog comes and grabs her and she like scurries across the sidewalk, tries to get up the steps,” said Sara Scott, the victim’s granddaughter.
A neighbor noticed the dogs attacking the woman and immediately rushed to the scene and scared the dogs away. Another neighbor immediately called 911.
Thanking the neighbors for their timely help, Tammy Clark, the victim’s niece, said, “She got excellent care. They came as quick as they can. If it was not for the neighbor who had intervened in the attack, then my aunt would’ve gotten bitten a little bit more.”
The victim is now scared to come out of the home.
“She’s scared to come out now, to go to the grocery store. Because if nobody was around, it could have been really bad,” Sara said.
Meanwhile, Todd Hevner from the Luzerne County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals said dogs should always be leashed.
“In the state of PA, there is a leash law. Your animal cannot be running at large outside of your control. I.E. it can’t be running in the field chasing the ball unless it’s in a dog park or confined to a particular area,” Hevner said. The owner of the dogs was not known.