• A 26-year-old man in the U.K. was sentenced to 17 years in prison for attacking two women
  • He was also handed a restraining order and put on the sex offenders register for life
  • He beat, strangled and raped the first victim in incidents that occurred around December 2018

A 26-year-old man in England has been handed a 17-year prison sentence after raping and beating two women.

The sentencing came after Nottinghamshire resident Bradley Dawes was found guilty in March of rape and admitted to four counts of assault after leaving two women with multiple injuries in separate attacks, the BBC reported. Both victims were not identified in the report.

He also previously admitted to intimidating a witness, harassment and sexual assault.

Recorder Jason Macadam said during a Nottingham Crown Court hearing that Dawes was "motivated by his hostility towards women."

He had a history of violence toward women and had four previous convictions for 10 crimes in total.

It was revealed during the hearing that Dawes had struck the first victim multiple times in a December 2018 incident that left her with a black eye and bruised ribs. He also strangled the woman, twisted her neck and continued to hit her, the report said.

In another attack on New Year's Day, Dawes beat the first victim and raped her the following morning as a form of punishment, leaving her with a broken nose and tooth. Dawes then proceeded to show off the injuries he had caused her to his brother and a friend.

He attacked the second victim in October 2019, grabbing her by the neck and punching her five times to the head and face. She suffered a bloody nose and a black eye from the beating.

A separate attack involved him throwing a boot at her and striking her around 10 times in the ribs, back and neck. Dawes then forced the victim to put on makeup because he was supposed to meet his probation officer.

Aside from the attacks, Dawes also posted threatening messages online directed at anyone else who may take an interest in the second victim and threatened to set fire to her home.

"It is apparent from your antecedence you are a misogynist and take pleasure in other people's misery," the judge said during the hearing, adding that Dawes "degraded" women "when alone or in the company of others... for your own sadistic pleasure."

"In respect of both complainants, you engaged in continuous acts of violence, coercion or humiliation," the judge added.

The first woman said in her victim impact statement that she continues to get flashbacks of the attacks on her which she said "ruined" her life.

"I still feel violated, intimidated and worthless because what of Bradley did to me," the first victim stated.

Nottinghamshire Police Detective Constable Donna Elliott said in a statement that "Dawes is a violent, arrogant and controlling bully who terrorized two young women. His attitude throughout the investigation was appalling and I am delighted that he will now spend a very considerable period of time behind bars."

Aside from the 17-year jail sentence, Dawes was handed a restraining order and placed on the sex offenders register for life. He will need to serve two-thirds of his sentence before he can be eligible for parole.

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Representation. A gavel. Pixabay