Waking up with a sore throat can be taxing, especially because it distracts a person while working and taking on professional responsibilities throughout the day.

Having a sore throat is a sign that the body is developing an internal infection and therefore, it is necessary to address the issue at the earliest.

Sore throat is a condition that follows excessive cough and cold. Getting this infection means a person is likely to experience utmost discomfort, pain or itchiness inside the trachea and the cartilaginous tube, leading to the lungs. It affects adults and children alike.

Sore throat is fundamentally linked to various bacterias whose presence inside the windpipe can also cause fever, intense pain and trouble in speaking or swallowing food.

However, the good thing is, the pain and discomfort can be cured by following some simple home remedies. Below are 5 ways one can achieve instant relief from a sore throat without visiting a doctor.

Consume honey:

A sore throat often leaves people sleep-deprived due to the pain and constant coughing. In such a situation, honey is known to work wonders because it has great anti-bacterial properties. Honey works to soothe wounds and fight off viral infections. It also lessens the discomfort stemming from the soreness by repressing the cough. Mix two tablespoons of honey in with a warm glass of water or tea, stir well and consume before going to bed to get sound sleep.


It's best to invest in a humidifier if someone faces recurring cough, cold and allergies throughout the winter season. A humidifier moistens the air and opens the sinuses, thereby keeping illness-causing bacterias at bay. For additional relief, add two spoons of vapor rub or hydrogen peroxide solution to the humidifier.

Chicken soup:

Eating a bowl of warm chicken soup before hitting the sack is also advisable to get some relief. The practice of drinking soups in the event of cough and cold is spanning generations and chicken soup, for its anti-inflammatory properties, has been specifically recommended for moistening the throat and helping the sinuses thin.

Saltwater gargle:

Gargling in saltwater throughout the day can effectively reduce the swelling in the throat and bring a lot of relief. The activity helps to get rid of mucus and flushes out bacteria. Take one cup of warm water and dissolve a spoonful of salt for gargling.


The sap from the marshmallow tree has for long been used as a cure for sore throat. The sap is used as an ingredient to prepare a medicinal tea that addresses issues like a cold, bacterial infection, pain and inflammation. Eating whole marshmallows, in all likelihood, will work to calm down the tense sinuses.

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