5 Tweets Donald Trump Deleted For Mistakes, And Some He Didn't
The sound of President Donald Trump’s misquoted tweets reverberates through the Twitterverse time after time. It’s a sound that can only be described as sweet music to the ears of his critics.
Sunday night, Twitter was abuzz with the president’s latest grammatical folly when he tweeted his unbridled praise for an article, written by Michael Goodwin in the New York Post, where he misspelled “consequential” with “consensual.” The tweet since then has been replaced with a grammatically correct one.
The original tweet read “His is turning out to be an enormously consensual presidency. So much so that there has never been a day that I wished Hillary Clinton were President.”
This isn’t the first time (we doubt it will be the last) the president misspelled or made a grammatical error in a tweet. History's borne witness to Trump's several grammatically erroneous tweets, which were endlessly mocked by social media users. Let's take a look at those tweets.
When Trump praised the Electoral College
President Trump sang praises of the Electoral College that won him the presidency in 2017 in tweets. The first tweet on the Electoral College was deleted as it insinuated he campaigned to win the votes of Electoral College. He wrote “campaigning for votes under the Electoral College system is much more difficult, and different, than the popular vote.”
The same Electoral College was lambasted by the POTUS in 2012 as it led to the victory of former President Barack Obama in 2012.
This was later replaced with major tweaks to the original tweet.
The great “covfefe” debacle of 2017
Unless you’ve been living under the rock, you wouldn’t have missed the tweet that baffled the world, which attempted to decipher the meaning of the word “Covfefe”
The president himself got in on the game and played off the whole thing as a riddle to be solved by the masses.
The "unpresidented" tweet
When President Trump wrote “unpresidented” instead of “unprecedented,” in a tweet that discussed an act of thieving by China, people were quick to point out the mistake and social media users had a field day.
When he tried to backtrack on his endorsement of Luther Strange
This was when Trump tried to cover up his loss for the endorsement of Luther Strange in the GOP primary in Alabama. Trump's tweet in support of Luther Strange was deleted within 22 hours when the candidate lost to Roy Moore.
Trump said: “Big election tomorrow in the Great State of Alabama. Vote for Senator Luther Strange, tough on crime & border - will never let you down!”
“Luther Strange was shooting up in the Alabama polls since my endorsement. Finish the job - vote today for "Big Luther,"” claimed another tweet.
Some tweets have the good fortune to be erased, while others from the president persist in the Twitterverse. Here are a few of his tweets that could be faulted for the veracity of their implications.
The time when he said vaccinations was the cause for autism
The time when he implied Obama was a foreigner
The time when he said global warming was merely a hoax invented by the Chinese
Some errors can be dismissed as amusing, while other tweets create a context for distortion of facts and confusion. It instigates hate and propaganda and also instills misplaced fear in the hearts of the masses. An example is the anti-Muslim propaganda videos Trump retweeted, which was since then deleted.
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