Gina Rodriguez
Actress Gina Rodriguez, who attended the Vulture Festival at Milk Studios on May 20, 2017 in New York City, is the October cover star for Shape magazine. Getty Images

Gina Rodriguez, who's both physically and mentally stronger than ever, is the perfect Shape magazine October 2017 cover star.

Though the CW actress was "scared" to pose for her Shape cover story, she was also "honored" because she's been "learning and will continue to learn to love and care for" her body and she's happy to share that with the magazine and its readers.

Sharing more than just stunningly strong photos with the magazine, the "Jane the Virgin" star also shared healthy tips and tricks she's learned work for her recently, but that anyone can adapt into their lives.

1. Think of food as fuel, not just something to do to pass the time. But know that it's okay to not eat perfectly clean all the time, and don't get down on yourself if that happens.

“Now I'm eating when I'm hungry and to power my body, I'm not feeding my emotions. Which I did. And which I'll do again in the future, let's be real. But I'm trying to be conscious of not doing it right now."

2. If your healthy food menu is starting to taste a little stale, switch it up and try new recipes. Try adding in a couple of Rodriguez's favorite options.

"I like to eat seaweed chicken wraps with avocado. And guacamole boats, which is some guacamole wrapped in a piece of lettuce.”

3. Don't deprive yourself of foods that you like that might not be the healthiest. Instead, adapt the idea of moderation.

"I'm all about moderation. I can't deprive myself. I love pizza so much. And I adore Mexican. I'm more savory than sweet. No, wait, I love sweet too! Who am I kidding? I'm an equal opportunity eater. I have very few do-not-eats on my list. I am so the person who says, 'Taco Bell? Sure, I'll go there!' I'll go anywhere."

4. Really take a look at your body and its main purpose, which is not to look a certain way, but to make you feel healthy, strong and capable.

"Doing Muay Thai taught me so much about my body. Now I view it as an engine that keeps me active and healthy."

5. Make working out a priority, but realize that there are some elements out of your control that might get in your way, and that's okay.

"How much time I have to train depends on my work schedule. In Thailand, we were doing Muay Thai for at least two and a half hours a day, and I got really strong. But when I started working on 'Jane' again, there was no time for training, even at night. So I exercised Saturday and Sunday. Or maybe just Saturday, and I gave myself Sunday to recoup. As a result, my body changed immediately. I couldn't fit into certain clothes, and I was a little curvier. Before, I would have beaten myself up… But I've got to embrace the fact that when I'm shooting 'Jane,' I can't work out as much. My body is going to look different, and that's okay. I'm not willing to wring the joy from my life to kill myself in the gym.

Now I'm shooting a movie in Mexico, and I'm able to work out four to six times a week. My routine is much more extensive—weight training, Muay Thai, boxing, running, and yoga—because I have the time to do it.”

6. Take the physical strength you've earned from your workouts and turn it into a mental strength that you can bring with you into other aspects of your life.

“It's empowering to see the shift in my body. That feeling of strength is amazing. It's one of those moments when you're like, Oh my gosh, I'm pretty capable. And I have taken that feeling and used it in many other parts of my life—for conversations I wouldn't have had before because they were uncomfortable or frightening, and doing stunts in movies that I once would have been afraid to try.”

7. Your mental strength might not yet be as strong as you'd like it to be, but turn your fears and anxieties into conversations and actions because those feelings are completely normal and shouldn't be kept inside.

"People think I'm inherently superconfident and positive and that I don't fear failure. I do, but I just jump in anyway. I suffer from anxieties and insecurities, but I talk about them... I thought there's nothing to be afraid of; there's nothing to be ashamed of. You're not the only person who's going through this.”

Gina Rodriguez's October 2017 Shape magazine cover issue is available on newsstands on Tuesday.