On every NASA mission to space loads of photos, videos and audio recordings are collected. Now the more than 140,000 files are available to the public. NASA's Image and Video Library is searchable and contains a variety of photos from nebulas and black holes to the moon walk and launches.
NASA's image search archive contains new and old archival content that is finally organized and available. Users can even embed the photos in their own sites. The photos above are some of the most incredible and most popular from the database.
However, NASA clarifies that, "The library is not comprehensive, but rather provides the best of what NASA makes publicly available from a single point of presence on the web." Either way, the photos are incredible and offer views of the universe.
A composite image of Earth from six orbits of the National Polarorbiting Partnership in 2015.NASAAstronaut Edward H. White II on the Gemini-4 mission in 1965. White was outside of the craft for 21 minutes total and was the first man to walk in space. NASAThis photo of the Milky Way in 2009 comes from the Hubble Space Telescope, the Spitzer Space Telescope and the Chandra X-ray Observatory.NASAThe Atlantis space shuttle pictured the evening before it was scheduled to launch from Cape Canaveral, Florida.NASAThis photo of the surface of Jupiter was taken in 1998 by the Voyager 1, it's a compilation of black and white negatives.NASASunita Williams, a flight engineer on Expedition 32, reached up to the Sun while installing a Main Bus Switching Unit in 2012.NASAThis photo, taken from the international Space Station, shows the Aurora Australis from above.NASAThis photo was made possible by a combination of cameras, telescopes and satellites, it was taken from the far side of the moon.NASAThis photo of the Swan or Omega Nebula in the Sagittarius constellation is so colorful due to sulfur, hydrogen and oxygen present. NASA