9/11 Promotions: Bikram Arlington Takes Down '9+11=20%OFF!' Ad After Social Media Firestorm

Bikram Arlington, a Virginia yoga studio, apologized on Twitter after it tweeted a “9+11 = 20% OFF!” promotion Thursday, the 13th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2011, terrorist attacks. The person in charge of the account said it wrote “that stupid post at 1am with yoga brain.”
The tweet represents the latest 9/11 promotion gone wrong. A Wisconsin golf course, a chain of New York City health clubs and an Idaho casino have all been criticized in recent years for trying to make money off of the Sept. 11 anniversary.
Heather Schmelzlen, U.S. social media editor for the Daily Mail, took a screenshot of a series of tweets that included “9+11 =20%OFF! PATRIOT DAY SALE on Bikram Yoga.” After making an apology, the Twitter account than went on to suggest that there is “'chatter’ about us getting hit again.” That tweet was also later taken down.
oh my god pic.twitter.com/z9L0AOXzWK
- Heather Schmelzlen (@anchorlines) September 11, 2014
The Arlington, Virginia, yoga studio was slammed for being insensitive. The person who wrote the tweet, who identified themselves as Frank, suggested that someone else with Bikram Arlington advised that the promotion would be a bad move.
So, I've made a horrible mistake that was unintended by sending a badly worded promotion today, so again I apologize. - Frank
- Bikram Arlington (@bikramarlington) September 11, 2014
I wrote that stupid post at 1am with yoga brain. I'm sure some of you know what I mean. Z fought against it don't blame her!!
- Bikram Arlington (@bikramarlington) September 11, 2014
Facebook users weren't sympathetic.
"You know what your original promotion popped up next to in my news feed? My friend's #tbt [throwback Thursday] photo of his dad who was killed in the Pentagon. I don't care that (according to you) you work 7 days a week and posted this at 1 a.m., there's still no excuse for such a spectacular lack of judgment," wrote Angela Herrick.
"Thanks for revealing your true self. Now I know to never use your studio," added Jenny L. Peterson.
Frank said the yoga studio’s heart was in the right place.
We would like to extend a sincere apology to anybody we have offended with our previous promotion.
- Bikram Arlington (@bikramarlington) September 11, 2014
The intention of the sale was to honor the memory of the many members of our family, community and our nation that we lost.
- Bikram Arlington (@bikramarlington) September 11, 2014
Please accept our sincerest apologies, we did not mean to cause any harm to anyone.
- Bikram Arlington (@bikramarlington) September 11, 2014
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