Airline Passenger Restrained For Hours On International Flight After Being 'Aggressive'

A Russian anesthetist on an international Aeroflot flight from Bangkok to Moscow was restrained by fellow passengers after acting aggressively during the 10-hour flight.
Vadim Bondar, 43, was tied up using seat belts for four hours after consuming rum, though alcohol is banned by the airline in this route while in economy class.
"The economy class passenger while quite obviously drunk was rudely violating public order. He was extremely aggressive, threatening and humiliating the flight attendants," Aeroflot spokeswoman Vera Abanina said in part according to The Sun.
She continued, "Other passengers and the crew acted together and fixed the rule breaker in a seat using whatever means they managed to find until the end of the flight."
A passenger, told Metro that Bondar "cried" when his arms and hands were bound, adding, "‘He kept sobbing and saying, 'My hands are tied, I can’t breathe.'"
In addition to allegedly acting belligerently on the flight, Bondar is also accused of trying to open the emergency exit.
After arriving in Moscow, Bondar underwent a medical check. Any charges have yet to be made.
Bondar, meanwhile, is saying he was treated unfairly, telling a Russian TV channel, "The belt was pushing into my jugular vein and larynx which made breathing very hard." Additionally, he claims to have been injected by an "unknown medication" and around £1,000 (approximately $1,200 USD) was missing from his luggage when he landed.