There are many great alternatives to the AirPods. AFP/Getty Images/Josh Edelson

Using the AirPods 2 to listen to music with iPhones and other handheld devices from Apple is pretty easy. However, the AirPods 2 is also capable of other functions like Apple TV connection. Here are some tips to use the Apple AirPods 2.

Apple TV and Apple Watch Pairing

Instead of the usual pairing with iPhones, the AirPods 2 is also compatible with the Apple TV. To pair the wireless earphones to the TV, you’ll need to swipe down from top of the screen and find the audio section. Under this menu, you can find the AirPods 2 to pair up with it. If it doesn’t work, check if your Apple TV is connected to the iCloud.

Alternatively, holding the play/pause button on the Home menu also shows the audio controls. Within this control menu, the AirPods 2 can also be found in it.

Meanwhile, the Apple Watch pairing will require owners to swipe from bottom to top to access the Control Center. The AirPlay icon will be among the choices and will show the AirPods to you to pair it up with the Watch.

Using One Pod At A Time

While it’s normal to use two earphones at the same time, Apple’s AirPods 2 can also be used one earphone at a time. To do this, take one pod off the case but keep the other inside. The kept pod will retain its charge even though you’re only using one. This way, users can adapt your AirPods 2 use for situations where you need to hear other people while listening to sound files.

You can also use this style of AirPods listening if you want to maximize the battery life of your earphones and don’t mind the single output of sounds.

Shortcut Customization

Normally, double tapping on either Pod would call out Siri to take your questions. However, this feature is already available if you call her out as the AirPods microphone will pick it up.

To change the double tap feature on each AirPods 2 in the Settings app, check the customization options in the “i” button near the iPod. The options for changing the double tap shortcut for each Pod will be available, along with a choice to rename both AirPods to the owner’s preference.