Alison Michelle Ernst Is Alleged Hillary Clinton Shoe Thrower: Secret Service [VIDEO]

The woman who allegedly threw her shoe at former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday in Las Vegas has been identified as Alison Michelle Ernst of Arizona, a U.S. Secret Service agent told International Business Times on Friday.
Brian Spellacy, special agent in charge for the Secret Service in Las Vegas, said Ernst is a resident of Phoenix, he said. A Las Vegas police report listed her age as 36.
Tess Driver, spokeswoman for the Clark County district attorney, said the office has not yet charged Ernst in the shoe throwing incident because it has not received a formal case submission from Las Vegas Metropolitan Police. Driver said Ernst was arrested on disorderly contact charges and released. She has a June 24 arraignment date.
A woman with a similar name reportedly disrupted court proceedings for accused Colorado movie theater shooter James Holmes, although it's unclear whether it's the same person. CBS Denver reported in 2012 the woman shouted before being escorted out of the courtroom. The station said the woman identified herself as Allison Michelle Ernst, but said they were usure how her name was spelled. The report also said the woman had a shaved head, while Ernst had short red hair in her booking photo. It is unclear whether the woman involved in the Denver incident is the same as the woman who threw the shoe at Clinton on Thursday.
Clinton was none the worse for wear, however, as she joked about the incident and continued on with her remarks. The shoe didn’t hit the former first lady; she initially mistook the shoe for a bat.
“Is that somebody throwing something at me? Is that part of Cirque du Soleil?” said the former secretary of state and potential 2016 presidential contender. “My goodness, I didn’t know that solid waste management was so controversial. Good thing she didn’t play softball like I did.”
Clinton was speaking about metal recycling during as she delivered the keynote address Thursday for an Institute of Scarp Recycling Industries conference at the Mandalay Bay hotel.
Matt Carpenter, an institute spokesman, said the shoe thrower didn’t have any connection to the group and didn’t have credentials to attend the conference.
“Our staff denied her access before she later rushed past security,” Carpenter told the Associated Press. “An ISRI staffer then stopped her as she approached the stage. She was then handed over to law enforcement.”
The woman, who was wearing black and orange shoes, was taken into federal custody.
The shoe throwing incident was reminiscent of a similar attack against then-President George W. Bush in 2008. Bush was holding a news conference in Baghdad when Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zaidi called him a “dog” before throwing both shoes at the president. Like Clinton, Bush was unscathed; he dodged both shoes.
Watch Bush get shoes thrown at him below:
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