NASA’s latest video, shot from the Internatonal Space Station (ISS), depicts a fantastic view of the Aurora Borealis from the space.

NASA has already released a host of spectacular photos of the planet at nighttime along with a sensational new video from the ISS traveling over North America.

Reports said that the videos were captured using time-lapse photography and a Nikon D3S, according to the RAW image data. These were shot as the ISS circled the earth about 240 miles above its surface. The video posted was recorded on Jan. 29 by the crew of ISS Expedition 30, on an orbital pass somewhere over the border of British Columbia and Washington state.

It is spectacular. It's amazing to hold onto the International Space Station, you're going seventeen and a half thousand miles an hour, and just sort of look down at your feet and 200 miles under your feet, there goes the coast of California and, oops, nine minutes later, there goes New York City as you're flying over and then on your way to Europe,” said Dan Tani, astronaut.

All the images and videos were hosted by the Gateway to Astronaut Photography, which has been successful in compiling a complete collection of astronaut images of earth, which began with the Mercury missions of the early 1960s, according to Digital Trends report.

Here are more images of the Aurora Borealis.