In a new racist low, the Ku Klux Klan has created a children’s television series dedicated to entertaining white children only. Viewable on YouTube, “The Andrew Show” features Andrew Pendergraft, the grandson of Thomas Robb, the modern-day Ku Klux Klan's national director, when he was around 9 or 10 years old. While the episodes are just surfacing now, they were apparently taped several years ago.

The “show for white kids” employs pop culture references to send messages against race-mixing. In the episode featured in this story, Pendergraft can be seen with a co-host named Alex, who holds a pug in his lap. They begin by discussing Disney's first African-American princess character, Tiana from the animated film "The Princess and the Frog."

"The princess is a black, so that is good for all the black kids out there," Andrew says haltingly, clearly reading from a script off-camera. "But the prince is white. It is all about how race-mixing is good. But race-mixing is wrong."

Later, Andrew decries the film's depiction of characters he calls "voodoo doctors [who] worship the devil." He goes on to explain voodoo as the "religion that lots of blacks used to have, but white people taught them about God."

The segment ends with his signature send-off: "Be white and proud. And tune in next week. Bye!"

According to the Huffington Post, Andrew'ss mother is Rachel Pendergraft, who is the daughter of Thomas Robb and is the spokeswoman for Robb's Knights of the Ku Klux Klan organization. the KKKK was founded sometime in the 1970s, and has since attempted to update the image and reputation of the original KKK, as well as grow its online presence.

According to The Sun's 2010 profile on the Pendergraft family, Andrew and his two older sisters were home-schooled at the family ranch in Arkansas. Sisters Charity and Shelby at one point participated in a white nationalist band called the Heritage Connection and, according to The Sun, indicated that they didn't mind their relative isolation.

“It is true we don’t have any black friends, but then where we live is a 98 percent white area anyway," Shelby told The Sun.

"The Andrew Show" is part of the KKKK's umbrella of linked websites including, and

The Andrew Show - Episode Three