AntiSec Retaliates Against Police by Stealing 10 Gigs of Law Enforcement Data

Online hackers AntiSec retaliated against police by breaching 10 gigabytes of sensitive data from more than 70 U.S. law enforcement Web sites.
The hackers said they retrieved e-mails, credit card information and other sensitive data in retaliation against the arrests of alleged members accused of hacking into the CIA, Britain's Serious Organized Crimes Agency (or SOCA), and Sony.
Anonymous and LulzSec have denounced last month's the arrests of 14 people in the U.S. suspected of taking part in an online attack on the PayPal Web site organized by Anonymous, according to media reports.
LulzSec has claimed responsibility for a 50-day rampage earlier this year against international businesses and government agencies, including the CIA, the U.S. Senate, and Sony.
Early this week, 18-year-old British man Jack Davis, believed to be a hacker who went by the online name "Topiar," was granted bail in a London court. He is suspected of being a spokesman for hacking groups Lulz Security (LulzSec) and Anonymous. Davis was charged with hacking into websites, including that of Britain's SOCA, which was out of service for several hours on June 20 after apparently being targeted, according to AFP.
"We are doing this in solidarity with Topiary and the Anonymous PayPal LOIC defendants as well as all other political prisoners who are facing the gun of the crooked court system," the group said in an online post.
"We stand in support of all those who struggle against the injustices of the state and capitalism using whatever tactics are most effective, even if that means breaking their laws in order to expose their corruption. You may bust a few of us, but we greatly outnumber you, and you can never stop us from continuing to destroy your systems and leak your data."
AntiSec claimed its cyberattack affected agencies in Alabama, Arkansas and Kansas, to name a few.
"A week after we defaced and destroyed the websites of over 70 law enforcement agencies, we are releasing a massive amount of confidential information that is sure to embarrass [sic], discredit and incriminate police officers across the U.S.," the group wrote.
"We have no sympathy for any of the officers or informants who may be endangered by the release of their personal information. For too long they have been using and abusing our personal information, spying on us, arresting us, beating us, and thinking that they can get away with oppressing us in secrecy."
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