Apple, AT&T Sued Over iPhone 'Visual Voicemail'
Klausner Technologies is suing Apple and AT&T for $360 million in damages and future royalties for allegedly violating patents related to the iPhone device's 'visual voicemail' feature.
Judah Klausner, an investor who runs the patent holding company, filed the suit against AT&T for selling the iPhone including the feature, which lets users see messages on the device and allows them to choose which to hear. Other visual voice messaging services are included in the suit.
Klausner also filed suits Monday against eBay, Inc's Skype subsidiary, Comcast Corp and Cable vision Systems Corp., allenging their Voice over Internet (VoIP) protocol products and services infringe upon its patents. The suits seek about $300 million in damages and future royalties.
The company alleges that all three companies violate its patent by allowing users to retrieve and listen to voice messages via inbox displays.
Klausner said in a statement that it filed the suits in U.S. Court for the Eastern District of Texas.
Klausner had previously sued Vonage Holdings Corp over one of the same patents, winning a settlement.
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