Apple Trying To Combat Fake News
Apple executive Eddy Cue raised concerns about fake news in an interview Monday. Here, Cue, senior vice president of internet software and services for Apple,discusses the company's tvOS at the company's World Wide Developers Conference in San Francisco, June 13, 2016. REUTERS/Stephen Lam

It is not just Facebook and Google which are affected by the spread of fake news. Apple’s senior vice president of internet software and services voiced the company's concerns over fake news, citing it as the reason that Apple News, the company’s dedicated news app, is not available to everyone.

“We want Apple News to be available to everyone, but we want to vet and make sure that the news providers are legitimate. We're very concerned about all of the news items and the clickbait from that standpoint, and that's driving a lot of the news coverage. We're trying to do some things in Apple News, we're learning from that and we need to share that together as an industry and improve it,” he commented during an interview Monday at the Code Media Conference in Dana Point, California.

Cue’s comments reiterate Apple CEO Tim Cook’s view. He said in a Friday interview to Good Morning Britain that fake news was “one of today's chief problems.”

“We have to give the consumer tools to help with this. And we've got filter out part of it before it ever gets there without losing the great openness of the internet. And so this is one of today's chief problems, it is not something that has a simple solution,” he said.

The debate about the spread of fake news has been raging since the U.S. presidential election, prompting companies such as Facebook to take steps to combat it. The company introduced a new filter made in collaboration with eight news companies in France to stop fake news from influencing the French presidential election.