Are Other ‘Wolfenstein’ Games Heading To The Nintendo Switch?

Panic Button, the developer responsible for the Nintendo Switch port of “Wolfenstein II,” has revealed whether or not it plans to bring other “Wolfenstein” games to the relatively new console.
On Monday, GameSpot published a report containing the things Panic Button disclosed during its interview with the developer at E3 2018. Studio head Adam Creighton disclosed that while they are excited to introduce the “Wolfenstein” experience into the Switch with the launch of the “Wolfenstein II” port, there are still no plans to bring other “Wolfenstein” games to the platform.
Hence, fans who are hoping for “Wolfenstein: The New Order” and the standalone prequel “The Old Blood” to come to the Nintendo Switch should wait a bit longer. Panic Button does not have immediate plans to come up with their Switch ports at present. But things could change in the future.
Creighton also admitted that these matters are up to Bethesda and Nintendo. “That’s a Bethesda discussion, honestly. It’s [up to] them and Nintendo as to what would work for the platform. I think it’ll be interesting to see how [“The New Colossus” is] received right after it launches at the end of the month and what Bethesda does from there,” he said.
The studio head also alluded to Bethesda’s other plans when asked to spill the beans on other “Wolfenstein” ports, but didn’t say much about them. "Not currently. Not that I know of, but Bethesda may have other plans. And we on the Panic Button side are totally up for anything."
Creighton also divulged that the DLC for “The New Colossus” is not included in the Switch port. “Right now we’re releasing the base game. Bethesda is going to look at what the reaction is in the market, what people want,” he said. So those who are getting the Switch port should only expect to see the main game and none of the post-launch DLC that rolled out following the game’s release last October, according to DualShockers.
“Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus” is already available on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC platforms. Its Switch port is scheduled to launch on June 29, 2018.
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