‘Are You The One?’ Season 5 Spoilers: Episode 4 Sees Emotional Truth Booth, Taylor’s New Man [RECAP]

It was back to business on Wednesday’s “Are You the One?” The latest Season 5 installment saw the MTV cast celebrate their latest matchup ceremony success, but little did they know drama was on the horizon.
Read the full recap for episode 4, “Tyranny of Love,” below.
Happy Beginnings
The installment kicks off with everyone in good spirits after getting four beams of light at the matchup. Tyranny says she’s certain she and Osvaldo are a match, but he remains unconvinced. And they’re far from the only promising couple.
Carolina reveals she’s has feelings for Hayden, much to Gianna’s upset. Despite knowing he’s not her perfect match, Gianna reveals she will continue to get to know Hayden. Gianna even tells Hayden not to put an effort into speaking to Carolina. Their conversation ends with a kiss and a trip to the boom boom room. When Carolina finds out about their hookup, she’s hurt and says she thinks Hayden could be her match.
Meanwhile a former strong couple, Tyler and Taylor, try to work out their issues. Tyler says he deserves all the hate he’s received for playing the women in the house. When Taylor admits to still having feelings for him, Tyler decides to break things off with Shannon to find out if they’re a match.
The Challenge
The house plays a getaway challenge called Dizzy For Love. The game has the men spin themselves on a turn table before working their way through an obstacle course and finally shooting a ball into a hoop. There is one hoop for each of the woman in the house. Host Ryan Devlin tells them the man who throws the third ball into a hoop will get a date with the corresponding woman. First two gets to win get to go on a getaway date.
Osvaldo’s determination to win a date with Tyranny shows when he’s the first to lock in. Derrick and Joey battle to sink the third basket into Kathryn’s hoop and score the date. Despite Derrick being a basketball star, Joey wins.
New Bonds And Breakups
Back at the house, Osvaldo continues to notice the differences between himself and Tyranny. He says he notices Tyranny enjoys the spotlight while he likes to keep to himself but admits he’s also says he’s attracted to her confidence.
When it comes time for Tyler to break things off with Shannon, it doesn’t go as he planned. Shannon tells him not to link himself to one person and cries that she’s getting the short end of the stick. Tyler is torn when he realizes how deep Shannon’s feelings are.
It isn’t all drama for the couples, though. Alicia and Edward continue to bond with Edward saying they have a lot in common. Kam, does, however, reveal to the cameras she thinks Edward may be her match.
The Dates
The couples go to a trapeze camp where Joey comforts Kathryn when she reveals her fear of heights. Things take a more serious turn for Osvaldo and Tyranny.
During some alone time, Osvaldo says he’s more attracted to the woman Tyranny is outside of the “Are You the One?” house. Oslvado says Tyranny brings excitement to his life which makes him believe she could be the one.
Truth Booth
During the house meeting, the cast calls out Gianna and Hayden for continuing to hook up. Hayden says he’s happy with what he and Gianna have but he doesn’t want everyone to blame them if they don’t win the prize money.
Ryan goes on to reveal the couple being sent to the truth booth is, unsurprisingly, Tyranny and Osvaldo. However, the booth reveals what Osvaldo questioned all along, confirming he and Tyranny are not a perfect match.
Tyranny cries when she learns the truth while Osvlado lashes out at a punching bag. “She convinced me,” Osvaldo cries out to the other men in the house.
Taylor’s New Man
Despite his conversation with Taylor, Tyler continues to flirt with Shannon. He says he thinks he may have been wrong about picking Taylor.
When Taylor approaches Tyler and says he doesn’t care about her feelings, Taylor says Shannon doesn’t care for him like she does. Tyler responds by saying Taylor doesn’t own him and doesn’t understand her entitlement. Taylor feels played and tells him he needs to choose: her or Shannon.
Later, Andre questions Taylor about why she remains with Tyler. He also admits to having had feelings for her since day one. “I’m cool but I really, like really like Taylor. She’s got it going on for real. She needs to be a Victoria’s Secret model,” Andre says.
Matchup Ceremony
Tyler says he was painted as a villain last week and doesn’t care what other people think about his personal business. He adds that he has a connection with both women, Taylor and Shannon, and that he’s not “playing” them. When Ryan asks who he has feelings for more, he says Shannon.
The second bombshell of the night comes from Hayden when he promises to the house that he and Gianna will no longer be together for the sake of the game.
Osvaldo says he’s still healing from the truth booth ceremony but he needs to focus on finding his true match. He decides to go with Taylor, who tells Ryan she’s already made connections outside of her relationship with Tyler. Osvaldo admits to the picking Taylor because of her looks and notices the other men also seemed to pick randomly.
Thankfully for the house, they did not experience a second blackout, getting four out of 11 perfect match beams.
Here’s Who Chose Who In Episode 4:
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