‘Ark: Survival Evolved’ Update v256.3 Released To Fix Flyer Nerf & UI Issues

Ark: Survival Evolved update v256.3 comes hot off the heels of a controversial flyer nerf from last week. While not listed in the official patch notes, each revision offers substantial boosts to stamina, health and weight across the board. There are also several meaningful UI tweaks too.
Check out the notes below.
Current Version: v256.3
Dino Related:
- Flier Mk 2: Click here to see the changes to fliers!
- Ridable fliers (not the Moth) now have ground attacks.
- Leeds spawns adjusted so no longer spawning near shorelines
- Ichthyornis no longer gets stuck in corners of underwater bases.
- Leeds will no longer scale in damage/level etc.
- Therizinosaurus spawn weight and aggro ranged decreased
- Quetz' idle stamina consumption reduced by 50 percent
- Remove Ichthyornis's ability to steal kibble from dino inventories.
- Certain creatures now have special weight reductions for specific resources similar to the Beaver.
- Mammoth reduces weight of wood by 75 percent
- Ankylo reduces weight of raw metal by 75 percent
- Doed reduces weight of stone by 75 percent
- Beaver and Thorny Dragon now adjusted to 50 percent reduction for resource-weight (they do a few) due to being a jack of all trades, as opposed to specialising.
UI Related:
- When there is an item in the crafting queue, upon completion the right-click options would close, this no longer happens.
- Updated the UI to include a way to differentiate regular eggs from fertilized eggs, as well as show a health bar and spoiling bar.
- Taming and Fert eggs now display the progress as a percent
- Adjusted Blueprint and Engrams colours to help with readability.
- Craft All now correctly displays Craft 100
- Required Engrams no longer clipping and correctly displayed (We've got an Engram page on the way!)
- Placing your cursor over a broken and pressing 'E' now repairs it.
- When adding multiple stacks into an inventory, the stacks force into stacks of the max size (stacks on deck..)
- Placing your cursor over an engram or blueprint in a remote inventory and pressing 'E' should craft it.
- Tribe Log should now appear correctly upon opening the Tribe Manager for the first time
- Adjusted size of UI box on Raft so it's no longer in the way when placing structures
- Fixed an issue where breeding dinos would show 100 percent regardless of progress
- Fixed an issue where text was overlapping during the breeding process.
- Added an option to turn on the grinder inside of it's remote inventory
- There is now a 0.2s cooldown on meat consumption
- Oxygen Swim Speed multiplier now exposed and included on the following server types: Primitive, Primitive+ and NoTame to help with underwater adventures! [ ?OxygenSwimSpeedStatMultiplier=3.0 ]
- When using the server-config bPvEDisableFriendlyFire=True, you are now able to harvest a slaughtered Ovis.
- Vaults are now paintable
Ark: Survival Evolved v256 went live late last week, and the patch featured major rebalancing changes to flying Dinos. The community response was so negative, however, that some fans suggested the game was unplayable. The development team at Studio Wildcard even added DDoS protection to its sites in the wake of the adjustments. While popular flyers are still weaker than before, the tweaks should be far more bearable this time.
With regard to specifics, the Quetz sees the biggest buff of all with a whoppping 480 more stamina points than the previous build. The Wyvern is getting 75 more stamina and 50 health. Suffice to say, Wildcard wasn’t afraid to do some drastic backtracking for the sake of player morale and gameplay viability.
Ark: Survival Evolved v256.3 is available now on PC. The full game is also available on Xbox One, PS4, OS X and Linux. Check out our latest base guides and admin commands for more details.
What do you think of the flyer changes in the new update? Has Wildcard done enough to keep its community happy? Tell us in the comments section!
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