Iron dome
An Israeli soldier guards an Iron Dome rocket interceptor battery deployed in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, Jan. 21, 2015. Baz Ratner/Reuters

An Arrow-3 missile took out a target missile at high altitude in a successful test at the Pacific Spaceport Complex in Alaska.

Th test was a joint effort between the Israeli Missile Defense Organization and the U.S Missile Defense Agency.

Arrow-3 missiles, co-manufactured by U.S firm Boeing Co, can shoot down incoming missiles in space at an altitude that is safe enough to destroy any conventional warheads. According to Defense News, the Arrow system has been operational in Israel since 2017 and has been utilized to counter Syrian missiles.

The Arrow-3 forms a part of Israel’s multi-layered defense system, which also consists of Iron Dome, David’s Sling and Arrow-2 systems. They are meant to defend Israel from short and mid-range rockets coming from Gaza and Lebanon.

The testing comes at a time when tensions between Iran and the West have been on rise. U.S. and Israel have held up the successful testing in Alaska as a strength of their alliance.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted, “During three recent tests in Alaska, the Arrow 3 intercepted ballistic missiles beyond the atmosphere at unprecedented altitudes and speeds. Perfect execution! I would like to express my deep and strong appreciation to the United States for advancing our joint security.”

Netanyahu who also doubles as Israel’s defence minister, cast the successful testing of the missile as a warning to Iran. On Sunday he said, “Today Israel has the capabilities to act against ballistic missiles launched at us from Iran and from anywhere else. All our foes should know that we can best them, both defensively and offensively."

According to Israeli Ministry of Defense Director Moshe Patel, the test marks the culmination of 10 challenging years. Arrow-3’s Alaska trials had been expected last year, but was later postponed due to technical difficulties.

In a statement released on July 28, the MDA said, “The Arrow-3 interceptor successfully demonstrated an engagement capability against the exo-atmospheric target during the test. Preliminary analysis indicates that test objectives were successfully achieved.”

MDA Director Vice Admiral Jon Hill, in a statement cited by Fox News, said, “These successful tests mark a major milestone in the development of the Arrow Weapon System. This unique success in Alaska provides confidence in future Israeli capabilities to defeat the developing threats in the region.”

He added that the U.S is committed to assisting the Government of Israel in upgrading its national missile defense capability to defend it from emerging threats.