police car
A representational image of police cars at a music bar where a gunman opened fire in Los Angeles, Nov. 7, 2018. JAVIER TOVAR/AFP/Getty Images

Four students were shot in Atlanta on Tuesday night after a gunman fired into a crowd gathered outside Clark Atlanta University.

The shooting happened outside a library at about 10:30 p.m., as a crowd of about 200 students from Clark and other nearby colleges gathered outside to celebrate the end of orientation. During the party, an argument reportedly broke out between some students that escalated quickly. Shots were suddenly heard, causing the crowd to scatter and allowing the shooters to slip away in the chaos.

Four female students, two from Clark Atlanta and two from Spellman College, were wounded in the crossfire. One was reportedly struck in the chest, a second was hit in the leg, and two managed to escape with grazing wounds. All four, ages 17 to 19, were taken to a nearby hospital and treated for injuries. All are in stable condition.

“It appears there were two separate groups that were targeting each other, and these people were just caught in the crossfire,” Atlanta Police Captain William Ricker told WSB, an ABC affiliate in Atlanta.

The suspected shooter has not been apprehended. Cameras surrounding the library may have recorded the shooting, according to police.