Attack on Titan Mikasa
Upcoming events in "Attack on Titan" is anticipated to become more intense as the popular manga draws close to its finale.

“Attack on Titan” is now inching towards its grand finale, and by far, the final arc of the popular manga series is no doubt the most intense. For several chapters now, fans saw the dramatic turn of Eren’s personality, and the most recent chapter tipped the scale when he threatened to mass slaughter all non-Eldian life. But, many fans believe that things might have gone differently had Mikasa confessed to Eren and hopeful it might happen in “Attack on Titan” chapter 124.

In “Attack on Titan” chapter 123, Mikasa was stunned upon hearing Eren’s declaration and started to wonder when Eren become this way. But, as Mikasa carefully traced back the time when Eren began showing this new personality, she wondered if the protagonist was this way from the beginning. This also brought her to a point where she remembered she almost made a major confession, which fans have loon been aching to hear.

In “Attack on Titan” chapter 123, Eren awoke all the sleeping titans in the walls, and Armin, along with Mikasa, was trying to understand what the protagonist is doing. This sent Mikasa to another memory when they first went to Marley. At one point, Eren and Mikasa had a moment where she was asked by Eren why she cares for him too much.

Eren was wondering if Mikasa’s care is because he saved her or if she treats him like family. Mikasa simply paused and almost answered ‘we’re family’ but was interrupted mid-sentence when others caught up with them. It is at this point that Mikasa almost made a major confession that might have changed the course of events.

It is worth noting that in “Attack on Titan” chapter 123, Eren coldly told her that he does not care for her. In the later part of the chapter, Eren disclosed that his new power gave him the chance to have a glimpse of the future and interact in the past to influence the future. So, even if Mikasa was able to tell him her true feelings, it is possible that Eren already knew it.

Is it possible that Eren has been treating Mikasa coldly to protect her from what he had seen in the future? Will Mikasa be able to tell Eren her true feelings in “Attack on Titan” chapter 124, or will she choose to bury it? Expect more terrifying events in “Attack on Titan” chapter 124, which is scheduled to release on Dec. 9.