Baby Lisa Irwin: Cadaver Dog Smells ‘Deceased Human’ in Parents' House

A cadaver dog that searched baby Lisa Irwin's home Monday detected a deceased-human smell in the bedroom shared by the missing baby's parents, Deborah Bradley and Jeremy Irwin.
A police affidavit filed with a court in Kansas City, Mo., stated the dog was searching for evidence of missing 11-month-old Lisa Irwin when it indicated a positive 'hit' for the scent of a deceased human in an area of the floor of [her parents'] bedroom near the bed. The affidavit was filed with the court to request a search warrant of the family home, according to Reuters.
The resulting search warrant was executed at the family's house Wednesday, when police left with several bags of items, including a portion of carpet, Reuters reported.
Bradley and Irwin restricted police access to the home during the search Monday, the court document stated.
The only areas extensively processed for DNA and fingerprints during the consent were the baby's bedroom and possible points of entry, the document noted.
Police noted in the request for a warrant, The extent of the search had been limited in nature with consent of the parents.
Bradley and Irwin reported baby Lisa missing from their Kansas City home Oct. 4, and said the baby was abducted. The parents said the baby was missing when the father returned home from working the night shift.
The court document also noted Bradley has stated she did not initially look for her baby behind the house because she was afraid of what she might find, Reuters reported.
Police also cited a garden area with portions of dirt having an appearance of being recently disturbed or overturned, Reuters noted.
Meanwhile, three Kansas City residents said on Friday they saw a suspicious man walking the streets with a small child the night baby Lisa disappeared.
One of them, Mike Thompson, told ABC's Good Morning America that around 4 a.m. local time he was on his way home on his motorcycle when he saw the suspicious man dressed in a T-shirt. The man was on a street near the baby's home, he said.
[It was] 4 o'clock in the morning, 45 degrees, the baby don't have a blanket or coat or nothing, and this guy's walking down the street, Thompson said. I thought it was kind of weird.
Thompson said the man, possibly in his late 30s or early 40s, was about 5 feet 7 inches tall, and weighed between 140 and 150 pounds.
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