‘Big Brother’ 20 Spoilers: Who Did Kaitlyn Nominate For Eviction? Her Backdoor Plan

As the new head of household, Kaitlyn was tasked with nominating two of her “Big Brother” Season 20 houseguests on Friday night. Despite her earlier plans to nominate Swaggy C, a member of her alliance, she didn’t immediately put him up for eviction. However, she may have a backdoor plot in mind.
It has been reported by live feed viewers, and Big Brother Network, that HOH Kaitlyn nominated Scottie and Winston for eviction.
Before the nomination ceremony, BBN reports Kaitlyn spoke to each of the houseguests about her plans, revealing different information to each player. She hinted to Scottie that he would go up as a pawn and told him that Winston was her target. Meanwhile, during her talk with Winston, she told him he is a pawn and that Swaggy is her real target.
Swaggy appears to be completely in the dark about Kaitlyn’s backdoor plan. During Kaitlyn’s talk with Swaggy, she told him she was targeting Winston. Swaggy is said to have told Kaitlyn he would not use the veto should he win the competition and if she wanted, would even sit out to host the veto.
With Swaggy agreeing to Kaitlyn's plans and agreeing to even sit out of the Veto competition, it appears she should have no problem backdooring her alliance member.
Do you think Swaggy will be the next evicted houseguest? Share your predictions in the comments section below. The next installment of “Big Brother” airs Sunday at 8 p.m. EST on CBS.
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