‘Big Brother’ 21: [SPOILER] Won Power Of Veto; Was It Used?

“Big Brother” Season 21 just named its new Power of Veto (POV) winner.
Warning: This article contains spoilers from “Big Brother” Season 21. Read at your own risk!
In the previous episode, Christie won the third and final power from the Whacktivity Competition. She now has the power to change the nominations without seeking the approval of the current Head of Household (HOH). However, the power may only be used during the next four consecutive weeks.
Despite already having the power, Christie became paranoid that she might be backdoored by her alliance members. She was worried that she might be sent to Camp Comeback even before she could use her power. However, no such plan had been put in place.
In the POV game, Kat sealed her first win of the season. She decided to use her power on Jess, which left this week’s HOH, Nick, with a not-so-tough decision. He decided to replace Jess with Nicole.
Nick and Bella, one of this season’s showmances, want to send Nicole to Camp Comeback. However, Gr8ful has a different plan. They want to send Cliff home this week and keep Nicole because she vowed to be a point for them in sealing their plan to evict Nick and Bella first before her.
Nick and Bella are both parts of Gr8ful. However, the latter cannot really be trusted because she has exposed everyone’s game to the other side of the house. But for now, Gr8ful has decided to keep Bella in the house because they still need her vote.
But after Cliff, Nicole, and Jess are evicted in the coming weeks, Gr8ful will be left with no other choice but to target each other. It seems that will be the only time where Gr8ful’s loyalty will be put to the test.
In the upcoming episodes, one member of Camp Comeback will also have the chance to return to the competition. As of late, David, Ovi, and Kemi have already been sent there.
“Big Brother” Season 21 will return to CBS on Wednesday at 9 p.m.
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