‘Big Brother’ Season 19 Spoilers: Who Will Go Home In Double Eviction?
“Big Brother” Season 19 will soon hold a double eviction, which means that two houseguests will be sent home this week.
Warning: This article contains spoilers from episodes of “Big Brother” Season 19 that have not yet aired. Read at your own risk!
Last week, “Big Brother” host Julie Chen announced that two houseguests will be sent home come eviction night, but the houseguests only have one target: Cody Nickson. This week, he wasn’t put up on the chopping block, but he also wasn’t picked to participate in the Power of Veto (POV) competition. This means that Cody will most likely be sent out the door on Thursday.
Elena Davies, Jason Dent and Matthew Clines are all up for eviction. Elena is also another target in the house, while Jason agreed to be put up as a pawn. Matthew became an automatic third nominee after losing in the Temptation Competition game. Matthew later on won the POV, but he said that he will use it on Jason so that this week’s Head of Household (HOH), Alex Ow, could put Cody up as a replacement nominee.
By the looks of it, with Jason’s safety comes Elena’s danger. If two houseguests will be sent packing this week, she is the most “logical target,” at least for returning vet Paul Abrahamian. As of late, Paul is still running the house, and he has had a lot of say on some of the houseguests’ HOH reigns. For instance, Josh Martinez was last week’s HOH, and he wanted Elena out. However, Paul insisted that letting Jessica Graf go was the best thing to do.
Paul also told Alex that getting rid of Cody this week is what’s supposed to be done, even though Cody reminded Alex that he’s no longer a threat. Cody said that he doesn’t have any ties and he’s a huge target, so keeping him for as long as possible could keep Alex safe.
Cody’s good friend and former ally, Mark Jansen, told Jason that Paul could be a great backdoor plan this week instead of Cody. But since Jason is working with Paul, this plan immediately backfired on Mark.
“Big Brother” Season 19 will air its next episode on CBS on Wednesday at 8 p.m. EDT.

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