‘Big Brother’ Season 19 Spoilers: Will Cody Nickson Be Evicted Next Week?
There’s only one more day left before “Big Brother” Season 19 names its next evictee.
Warning: This article contains spoilers from episodes of “Big Brother” Season 19 that have not yet aired. Read at your own risk!
After several heated discussions between the houseguests, Paul Abrahamian is still getting his way over Josh Martinez’s Head of Household (HOH) reign in the hit CBS reality TV competition. Josh wants Elena Davies out, and he wants to keep Jessica Graf for another week. Unfortunately, Paul wants Jessica out, and he wants to keep Elena because the returning vet knows she will be loyal to him.
Read: Did Jessica jeopardize her safety by calling Josh “fat” on “Big Brother” Season 19?
According to Big Brother Network, Jessica’s eviction is close to being 100 percent guaranteed even though there’s still one more day for Jessica to try and sway the votes to her favor. Unfortunately for her, this isn’t something Jessica would likely do after she saw how Paul and Josh teamed up to encourage Chirstmas Abbott to use her “Ring of Replacement” on Cody Nickson on the last episode.
With Jessica potentially leaving the “Big Brother” house on Thursday night, her showmance, Cody, will be left alone. He isn’t aligned to anyone, and even host Julie Chen noted that Cody doesn’t have a strong social game. Last week, Cody spoke with Kevin Schlehuber and Jason Dent about possibly working with them moving forward.
Kevin agreed andJason made it seem as though he was on board. When Cody left, however, Jason said that he didn’t know how they could work with Cody while also working with Paul and Alex Ow. Kevin told Jason that they need to just be strategic for at least another month before they could backdoor Cody.
However, after a heated argument between Jessica, Cody and Josh took place, Kevin made it clear that he was no longer interested to work with Cody. Even though he promised Jessica that he would look out for him, Kevin said that he’s not pleased with how Cody allowed Jessica to call Josh “fat.” The latter ended up crying inside his HOH room.
Cody will have the chance to compete in the next HOH game and winning it could be his only chance at safety.
“Big Brother” Season 19 will return to CBS on Thursday at 8 p.m. EDT.

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