'Blue Bloods' Season 10, Episode 17 Air Date And More
- "Blue Bloods" Season 10, episode 17 will air in April
- CBS has given free access to all previous seasons
- The fans can also take a quiz about the show
“Blue Bloods” Season 10, episode 17 will not be airing this week. The fans will have to wait another week to watch the highly anticipated finale. Meanwhile, all the previous episodes are available to stream for free online.
The producers of the show know that the fans can’t stay too long without watching their favorite police family. The official Twitter page of the TV series has announced a one-month free access to all the previous seasons that the fans can now stream online. The fans will have to use the code “ALL” in order to watch all the episodes for free.
CBS also offers several products based on the show on its official store. The bestseller products of the TV series include hoodies and caps that carry the name of the show on them.
Apart from binge watching all the previous seasons and shopping from the CBS Store, the fans can also take a quiz to find out just how much they know about the TV series.
So far, very few details have been revealed about “Blue Bloods” Season 10, episode 17. The previous episode was about Frank Reagan (Tom Selleck) and Garrett (Gregory Jbara) working together to convince Mayor Chase (Dylan Walsh) to cooperate with them to help run the city better.
As far as Danny (Donnie Wahlberg) and Baez (Marisa Ramirez) are concerned, they were last seen investigating a case about someone vandalizing NYPD cars with anti-cop graffiti. It remains to be seen what new case the cops in the city will have to deal with in the finale.
Very few details about the plot of the next episode have been revealed. The episode is titled “The Puzzle Palace,” and the plot synopsis should be released in the coming days along with a preview video.
“Blue Bloods” Season 20, episode 17 will air on April 3.

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